例句:Don’t just salivate, come buy some taffy now.
翻译:别流口水了 快来买吧。
例句:You see, under normal conditions, the sight and smell of food causes a dog to salivate.
翻译:我们知道,在通常情况下, 只有看到闻到食物,狗才会分泌唾液, 。
例句:i figured if a guy’s staring at a naked piece of tail and he sees the breasts and legs, he’s gonna start to salivate.
翻译:我想如果一个家伙盯着一个光着的妞儿 看和大腿时,一定开始流口水。。
4.分泌唾液 、垂涎
例句:Conditioned his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell.
翻译:训练他的狗条件反射 一听到铃声就会流口水。
1. i figured if a guy’s staring at a naked piece of tail and he sees the breasts and legs, he’s gonna start to salivate.
翻译:我想如果一个家伙盯着一个光着的妞儿 看和大腿时,一定开始流口水。。
2. Conditioned his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell.
翻译:训练他的狗条件反射 一听到铃声就会流口水。
3. Only dogs salivate when you show them bone Mishraji.
翻译:Mishraji, 扔块骨头, 只有哈巴狗才摇头晃尾。
4. You could train a dog to salivate just with the bell, just with the symbol.
翻译:用铃声,用一种符号 就足以让一只狗流口水。 。
5. Oh,my god,the bear didn’t salivate that much when he saw those people.
6. Eventually, just ringing the bell made the dogs salivate.
翻译:最后,只要铃声一响, 这些狗就开始分泌唾液。 。
7. “Oh, when you named salivate like a Pavlov dog. “
翻译:”哦,当你被点名流涎 就像巴甫洛夫的狗。 “。
8. Nobody trains a dog to salivate over some steak.
翻译:没有人需要教一只狗如何在看到牛排时分泌唾液。 。
9. And similarly, Pavlov’s dogs probably don’t know a lot about, like, protein structures or the waveform of a ringing bell, but they salivate nonetheless because the body paired the stimuli.
翻译:同样,巴甫洛夫的狗可能不太了解 蛋白质结构或铃声的波形, 但它们还是会分泌唾液, 因为那身体与的配对。 。
10. You’ll lose your ability to salivate, cry, et cetera.
11. After you’re been here a while you’ll even salivate ever a housefly
翻译:你多住一阵子 就会看到苍蝇都流口水了。
12. You can salivate like a saloon girl.
13. This compound is like that bell except instead of a ding your body will salivate at the smell of vampire blood.
翻译:这种复合就像那个实验 只不过代替铃声的是 你一闻到吸血鬼的血就会流口水。
14. You know, your father used to salivate over my meals.
15. They have me on some new medication. it makes me salivate.