1. Sectie Elastische Kousen Orthobanda (Dutch therapeutic stockings company)的缩写形式,可以翻译为:Sectie Elastische Kousen Orthobanda(荷兰治疗袜公司),用于领域。示例:。1. Student Environmental Knowledge and Opinion Inventory (questionnaire)的缩写形式,可以翻译为:学生环境知识与意见量表(问卷),用于领域。示例:。1.问卷
例句:We are at the heart of the Rwindi Hotel here… it is here that the late President Mobutu Sese Seko’s distinguished guests stayed, and that is where the President himself spent the night whenever he came here.
翻译:我们现在位于Rwindi酒店的中心地带 以前 已故总统蒙博托·塞塞·塞科的 尊贵客人会入住这里 而那儿就是总统自己 来这儿时过夜的地方。
例句:With the end of the dictatorship regime of Mobutu Sese Seko, that most of you know, life became very, very difficult.
翻译:在Mobutu Sese Seko是统治结束时 大家都知道,生活变得非常非常困难。
例句:This is the stereotype of the typical African leader that we typically think of: Mobutu Sese Seko from Zaire, Sani Abacha from Nigeria.
翻译:我们一想到非洲国家就会联想到这种典型形象, 他们是这种形象的原型。 像扎伊尔的蒙博托·塞塞·塞科, 尼日利亚的萨尼·阿巴查。 。