stamford是什么意思 stamford的翻译、中文解释

  stamford是什么意思 stamford的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Our clinic is in Stamford, not too far from there.

  翻译:{fnMicrosoft YaHeifs15bord1shad03aHCCb0}我们的诊所离斯坦福德市不远 {fnMS Reference Sans Seriffs12bord1shad03aHCCb0}Our clinic is in Stamford,not too far from there.。



  例句:One of the things that was interesting to me once i started going to Stamford… was realizing what was the nature of the person who is really great.

  翻译:我开始去Stamford以后 一件让我很感兴趣的事情是 我意识到那些真正优秀的人 的本质是什么。


  stamford一般作为名词使用,如在Stamford Bridge([网络] 斯坦福桥球场;史丹福桥;史丹福桥球场)、Stamford Raffles([网络] 莱佛士;史丹福莱佛士;莱佛士爵士铜像)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. When we all went to the rodeo in Stamford right after you got out.

  翻译:我们一起斯坦福去看了竞技表演 你正好出狱。

  2. Thecrosswordtournament in Stamford started in 1978.

  翻译:Stamford举办的 纵横填字游戏比赛始于xx年。

  3. You know, the whole puzzle calendar pretty much revolves around Stamford.

  翻译:你知道 整个填字游戏的时间安排 在Stamford周围绕。

  4. You don′t forget anything, Mr. Stamford.


  5. i did, i mentioned it to Stamford this morning,

  翻译:我说过 我今早跟史丹佛提过。

  6. Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Barts together.

  翻译:麦克?斯坦佛 巴兹医学院的同学。

  7. – Stamford. Mike Stamford. – Right.

  翻译:斯坦佛 麦克?斯坦佛 巴兹医学院的同学。

  8. And at Stamford, i hope, when i’m 95, that someone will wheel me in in a wheelchair… and i’ll have drool coming down the side of my mouth… and, um, i just hope the event is still goin’ on and people are having a great time.

  翻译:我希望我xx岁的时候在斯坦福 有人推著坐在轮椅里的我 然后我一边嘴还流著涎水 我只是希望这个比赛能一直继续 而大家也能从中得到快乐。

  9. After 28 years, the Stamford Marriott is, uh, a very special place.

  翻译:xx年之后 Stamford Marriott是个特别的地方。

  10. i don’t think you would find anybody— if you walked into that room in Stamford… and you asked any of 500 people there, “What’s your favorite puzzle?”

  翻译:我觉得你找不到任何其他… 当你走进Stamford的这个房间 问里面的500多个人 “你们最喜欢那个报社的字谜?”。

  11. Michael, isn’t St. Joe’s in Stamford?

  翻译:Michael 圣约瑟夫不是在斯坦福德嘛?。

  12. To win at Stamford— i will admit… it’s gone through my head many times— what it would be likejust to, you know, finish that final puzzle… announce, “Done”and turn around and see people clapping.

  翻译:我必须承认在斯坦福赢得比赛的想法 在我脑子里出现过很多次 就像是做完最后一道拼字游戏题之后。

  13. Well, the Marriott in Stamford has been the place where it’s always been held.

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