takotsubo是什么意思 takotsubo的翻译、中文解释

  takotsubo是什么意思 takotsubo的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:There is a heart disorder first recognized about two decades ago called “takotsubo cardiomyopathy,” or “the broken heart syndrome,” in which the heart acutely weakens in response to intense stress or grief, such as after a romantic breakup or the death of a loved one.

  翻译:大约xx年前, 人们首次发现了一种名为 “应激性心肌病”的心脏病, 即“心碎综合症”, 在这种情况下,心脏在面对巨大 的压力或悲伤时急剧衰弱, 比如跟爱人分手或爱人去世后。 。



  例句:She was admitted to the hospital, where an ultrasound confirmed what we already suspected: her heart had weakened to less than half its normal capacity and had ballooned into the distinctive shape of a takotsubo.

  翻译:她被送进了医院, 医院超声波验证了我们的怀疑: 她的心脏已经衰弱到只有 不到一半的正常功能, 并且膨胀成明显的章鱼壶形状。 。


  takotsubo一般作为名词使用,如在Takotsubo cardiomyopathy([网络] 章鱼壶心肌症)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. interestingly, takotsubo cardiomyopathy has been seen after a happy event, too, but the heart appears to react differently, ballooning in the midportion, for example, and not at the apex.

  翻译:有趣的是,应激性心肌病也曾在 一些愉快的事件后被发现, 但心脏反应似乎不一样, 在中部膨胀,而不是在顶部。 。

  2. On the heels of this catastrophe, researchers found that the incidents of takotsubo cardiomyopathy increased twenty-four-fold in the district one month after the earthquake, compared to a similar period the year before.

  翻译:在这场灾难之后, 研究者发现跟xx年前同期相比, 该地区在大地震后 一个月的应激性心肌病 发病率增加了24倍, 。

  3. it appears stunned and frequently balloons into the distinctive shape of a takotsubo, shown on the right, a Japanese pot with a wide base and a narrow neck.

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