screenings是什么意思 screenings的翻译、中文解释

  screenings是什么意思 screenings的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:if he’d had regular screenings…




  例句:How did you get past the physical screenings?




  例句:We’re working on ways to frequently activate an early-stage cancer alarm by enabling regular screenings that would start when a person is healthy so that action could be taken to stop cancer the moment it emerges, and before it can progress beyond its infancy.

  翻译:我们想要找到一种能够频繁触发 早期癌症诊断的方式, 在人们仍处于健康状态时 就开始定期检查, 所以一旦产生癌症征兆, 人们就可以马上采取行动, 而不是等到过了初期治疗阶段。 。


  screenings一般作为名词使用,如在genetic screenings(【遗传学】遗传普查,遗传筛选)、pulp mill screenings(纸浆筛余物)、rice screenings(碎米)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. We’re working on ways to frequently activate an early-stage cancer alarm by enabling regular screenings that would start when a person is healthy so that action could be taken to stop cancer the moment it emerges, and before it can progress beyond its infancy.

  翻译:我们想要找到一种能够频繁触发 早期癌症诊断的方式, 在人们仍处于健康状态时 就开始定期检查, 所以一旦产生癌症征兆, 人们就可以马上采取行动, 而不是等到过了初期治疗阶段。 。

  2. 231! i’ve got through three screenings.


  3. For example, a review in 2009 found that mammography screenings reduced the number of breast cancer deaths from five women in one thousand to four.

  翻译:比如,一篇xx年的报道 发现X光筛查 可将患乳腺癌的概率 从千分之五降低至千分之四。 。

  4. But there’s still the screenings nightmare.


  5. Keep having you in to do screenings every six months or so just as a precautionary measure, but i would say that cancer is out of your life.

  翻译:保持有你 在做筛检 每隔半年左右 只是作为一项预防措施,。

  6. And at screenings, inevitably — you know, as i’m sure all of you obviously do speaking stuff — usually you have people who hang around and want to ask you more questions.

  翻译:筛选之后,必然的– 你知道,我确认各位都会做演讲– 有那么多的人围住你想要提出各种问题。。

  7. LSD doesn’t show up in most blood screenings.


  8. You go to a lot of screenings?


  9. And at screenings, inevitably — you know, as i’m sure all of you obviously do speaking stuff — usually you have people who hang around and want to ask you more questions.

  翻译:筛选之后,必然的– 你知道,我确认各位都会做演讲– 有那么多的人围住你想要提出各种问题。 。

  10. They are less likely to go to the ER but more like to go to a doctor for routine screenings.

  翻译:不用再常跑急诊室了 只是会更经常地去医院做例行体检 。

  11. in fact, even in our test screenings where you give free tickets to people to watch your movie, we had a one to 25 ratio, meaning after 25 asks, only one person said yes, which is super low for these types of things.

  翻译:事实上,即便在我们试映时, 免费让人们看我们的电影, 也只得到了1比25的比例, 意思是询问了25个人后, 只有一个人同意观看, 对试映来说实在太低。 。

  12. Although, i do hold free monthly screenings.

  翻译:-to -play. 虽然我每个月都有几场免费放映 Although, I do hold free monthly screenings.。

  13. i think we’re gonna have some screenings next week.


  14. Roger and Chaz and i met to plan the beginning of an ambitious schedule of filming, including interviews and critic screenings.

  翻译:罗杰、夏茨和我见了个面 计划着开始一系列雄心勃勃的拍摄 包括采访和给影评人的放映。

  15. One had to leave behind the great closed-down halls of the casino in order to reach the theater where the screenings were held.

  翻译:人们必须绕过赌场那个关了门的大厅 才能前往剧院 那里的荧幕正等待放映.。

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