roadway是什么意思 roadway的翻译、中文解释

  roadway是什么意思 roadway的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:But far less amusing to the indians was the coming of the steel roadway of the iron horse.

  翻译:可是印地安人却对另一件事 感到不快… 即有铁马之称的火车铁路的到来。



  例句:They run on this track in the middle of the roadway here.




  例句:From there i came back to Manaus, found a job again here on the Manaus-itaquatiara roadway, went to Manacapuru, worked on some of the roadways there, and now i’m here in Mr. Pedro’s land.

  翻译:我从那儿回到了马瑙斯 再次修建马瑙斯 -伊塔夸蒂亚拉公路。



  例句:A zoning tool connects distant structures, a building and a roadway.



  roadway一般作为名词使用,如在entrance roadway(入口车行道)、flat roadway(水平巷道)、frontage roadway(邻接道路;侧道)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. From there i came back to Manaus, found a job again here on the Manaus-itaquatiara roadway, went to Manacapuru, worked on some of the roadways there, and now i’m here in Mr. Pedro’s land.

  翻译:我从那儿回到了马瑙斯 再次修建马瑙斯 -伊塔夸蒂亚拉公路。

  2. A zoning tool connects distant structures, a building and a roadway.


  3. Your son seemed a bit worried when i was talking to him just now, and this roadway is a major conduit for drugs, money, weapons…

  翻译:我刚才和你儿子谈话时 他有点紧张 这条路是 洗钱 武器交易的温床。

  4. Shadow Team sets up its main hide on the rooftop of the O.P. Hotel, overlooking Route Michigan, the major roadway through Ramadi.

  翻译:拍下照片 搞清楚从各个角度的观察效果 了解你的猎物 好像一个猎人去试图了解 猎物的行为。

  5. The body was discovered by a passerby just off the roadway.

  翻译:我要是杀了那狗,他都比我现在死的好看. 尸体是路边的行人发现的.。

  6. Well, it’s been illegal to harvest this stuff for years, so the roadway in question is fairly old.

  翻译:可是近年来 采集珊瑚是的 所以我怀疑这条路是相当的旧。

  7. – Huge American flags. American flags from the top of the ladder trucks over the roadway.

  翻译:- 巨大的美国国旗。。

  8. So when you dropped down onto that roadway and went rogue so magnificently, well, all i saw was my shot at revenge.

  翻译:当你摔到路面并很快不受控制的时候 我看到了复仇的机会。

  9. We’ve got a jackknifed produce truck on the westbound side of the 10 spreading tomatoes all over the roadway.

  翻译:卡车翻覆在西向道路 洒了一地蕃茄…。

  10. So i wrote about this on my blog, on i Quant NY, and the DOT responded, and they said, “While the DOT has not received any complaints about this location, we will review the roadway markings and make any appropriate alterations.”

  翻译:我将这件事情写在我的博客和 “I Quant NY ”上,回复了我, 他们说, ”虽然没有收到关于这个地点的投诉, 我们还是会评估道路标志, 做出合适的调整。 。

  11. in 1956, i came here with Dr. Rui to work on the Manaus-itaquatiara roadway.

  翻译:xx年我随鲁伊博士来这 修建马瑙斯 -伊塔夸蒂亚拉公路。

  12. The roadway has been sealed. Stop your vehicles immediately.

  翻译:道路已被封锁 立即将车停下。

  13. And two attempting to block the roadway ahead,


  14. As the Wacky Racers roll down the roadway, we see that the taxicab is in the lead with handicar pulling up the rear.

  翻译:此时怪车大赛的选手们都 在赛道上狂飙 目前出租车冲在首位 而”残便车”落在了最后。

  15. Mom drowned and Dad’s chopping a roadway through the woods.


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