prescient是什么意思 prescient的翻译、中文解释

  prescient是什么意思 prescient的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:And to really appreciate just how prescient that idea was, you have to go back and you have to look at the history of the National Parks Service.

  翻译:要真正领悟这个想法多有先见之明, 就必须要回顾一下, 看看国家公园管理局的历史。 。



  例句:in this prescient 2005 talk, Clay Shirky shows how closed groups and companies will give way to looser networks where small contributors have big roles and fluid cooperation replaces rigid planning.




  例句:[ Perkins ] Bob Swanson, i think, was the most prescient individual i’ve ever met.

  翻译:鲍勃·斯旺森是我见过的 最有先见之明的人 “鲍勃·斯旺森 卡莱纳帕金斯公司初级合伙人” 鲍勃·斯旺森是我见过的 最有先见之明的人。



  例句:She said she was occasionally prescient.




  1. [ Perkins ] Bob Swanson, i think, was the most prescient individual i’ve ever met.

  翻译:鲍勃·斯旺森是我见过的 最有先见之明的人 “鲍勃·斯旺森 卡莱纳帕金斯公司初级合伙人” 鲍勃·斯旺森是我见过的 最有先见之明的人。

  2. She said she was occasionally prescient.


  3. Prescient Council swear by special order.


  4. What that might mean for cultural movements all over this moment, the “me, we” seems incredibly prescient totally important.

  翻译:那对于此刻所有的文化运动来说 可能意味这什么, “我,我们”这首诗看起来 远瞩 非常重要。 。

  5. if a Prescient be layin’, with poison melting’ her heart n’lungs?


  6. The Met was set up not as a museum of American art, but of an encyclopedic museum, and today, 140 years later, that vision is as prescient as ever, because, of course, we live in a world of crisis, of challenge, and we’re exposed to it through the 24/7 newsreels.

  翻译:成立大都会博物馆的目的不只是为了美国艺术, 而应是成为一个百科全书式的博物馆, 今天,博物馆已经成立140多年 ,这一初衷 是多么的有先见之明, 因为,我们生活的世界充满危机和挑战, 我们通过日以继夜的新闻汇编 来接触它们。 。

  7. But the paintings caught the eye of someone with a more prescient and refined appreciation of art,

  翻译:不过画作被另一位 But the paintings caught the eye of someone 艺术鉴赏力不俗且富于先见性的人看中 with a more prescient and refined appreciation of art,。

  8. Following an ancient war with robots, humanity has forbidden the construction of any machine “in the likeness of a human mind.” But rather than stifling their expansion, this edict forced humans to evolve in startling ways— becoming biological computers, psychic witches, and prescient space pilots.

  翻译:在一次与机器人的古老战争后, 不论在那种机器制作中, 任何的“仿人类意识”设计 都被人类禁止了。 但相比于抑制他们的发展, 这条法令强迫人们 用非常震惊的方式去进化—— 成为生物意义上的电脑, 心理上的女巫,以及有先见之明的宇航员。 。

  9. How breathtakingly prescient of her.


  10. What that might mean for cultural movements all over this moment, the “me, we” seems incredibly prescient totally important.

  翻译:那对于此刻所有的文化运动来说 可能意味这什么, “我,我们”这首诗看起来 远瞩 非常重要。。

  11. Meronym wa’ there, yebberin’ about tracking’ up Mauna Sol, why this Prescient woman come cussin’ n’ twisting’ on my life?

  翻译:-451启示录,由朴档案员记录) 这个女先人为什么一定要折腾我呢?。

  12. The Met was set up not as a museum of American art, but of an encyclopedic museum, and today, 140 years later, that vision is as prescient as ever, because, of course, we live in a world of crisis, of challenge, and we’re exposed to it through the 24/7 newsreels.

  翻译:成立大都会博物馆的目的不只是为了美国艺术, 而应是成为一个百科全书式的博物馆, 今天,博物馆已经成立140多年 ,这一初衷 是多么的有先见之明, 因为,我们生活的世界充满危机和挑战, 我们通过日以继夜的新闻汇编 来接触它们。。

  13. A month or so before September 11, 2001, it would be wrong to think that someone who wrote it… namely me, was prescient.

  翻译:一个多月前, xx年xx月xx日, 这将是错误的认为 有人是谁写的 – 也就是我,是有先见之明。。

  14. Fahrenheit 451 depicts a world governed by surveillance, robotics, and virtual reality- a vision that proved remarkably prescient, but also spoke to the concerns of the time.

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