shockwave是什么意思 shockwave的翻译、中文解释

  shockwave是什么意思 shockwave的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:instantly, a massive eruption of solar radiation occurs, which develops into a shockwave.

  翻译:就会产生太阳辐射大爆发 形成爆震波。



  例句:We’re going to attempt to see a shockwave.




  例句:Sturdy buildings within that range should be able to withstand the shockwave, and staying in the centers and basements of these buildings also helps provide protection from heat and flying objects.

  翻译:在此范围内的坚固建筑物能够抵挡冲击波, 待在这些建筑物内或地下室 能够帮助抵抗热量和空中飞行的物体。 。


  shockwave一般作为名词使用,如在magneto spheric shockwave(磁层冲击波)、nuclear shockwave(核冲击波)、shockwave flash(冲击波程序闪)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Sturdy buildings within that range should be able to withstand the shockwave, and staying in the centers and basements of these buildings also helps provide protection from heat and flying objects.

  翻译:在此范围内的坚固建筑物能够抵挡冲击波, 待在这些建筑物内或地下室 能够帮助抵抗热量和空中飞行的物体。 。

  2. The shockwave reignites unburnt fuel, triggering a secondary shockwave at the tip.

  翻译:但假如你认为大桥本身 是结构工程上的杰作。

  3. What makes you think we’ll find Shockwave’s cloning lab here?

  翻译:你为什么觉得我们在这可以找到 震荡波的复制实验室?。

  4. in the Eagle Nebula, we can see such a shockwave in the bright contour at the top of the formation.


  5. This shockwave acts like a battering ram that compresses and ignites matter, continuing the process of star birth.

  翻译:在结构上方的明亮轮廓 这种爆震波的功能就像攻城槌 压缩和燃烧物质 持续新星诞生过程。

  6. The temperature inside the bubble reaches over 4,000 degrees, and, as it collapses, this massive energy is released like a superheated shockwave, stunning, or even killing, its prey.

  翻译:我们看不到雪层的不稳定性 它就像一个熟睡中的白色魔鬼 这根探针让科学家探测。

  7. it’s a shockwave – super-fast, devastating, potentially deadly, and yet it’s just thin air.

  翻译:叶面上不会沾上任何东西 水从上面滚落 把灰尘带走了。

  8. Shockwave. How was your journey?

  翻译:震荡波 旅途如何?。

  9. The shockwave of energy would travel several kilometers beyond the fireball’s radius in the first few seconds.

  翻译:冲击波的能量能够在最开始的几秒 达到火球半径的数公里外。 。

  10. it was yet another shockwave that revolutionised the whole landscape.


  11. Shockwave must have found a way to shield or disable them.


  12. Shockwave can’t hunt all of us at once.


  13. it’s the shockwave, not the explosion itself, that causes devastation.

  翻译:到上面看看就能看到工程上的奇迹 蜘蛛网在1亿年的时间里都没变过。

  14. i’m downstairs. We got five targets and Shockwave right below us.

  翻译:我在楼下,有五个目标 震荡波就在下面。

  15. So, how can a shockwave cause such awesome destruction?

  翻译:也许它的样子 和你家的蜥蜴很相似 5英吋长 满身鳞片。

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