woolly是什么意思 woolly的翻译、中文解释

  woolly是什么意思 woolly的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Are you sure Woolly one-piece bathing suit… is from proper century?

  翻译:你能确定这种羊毛一件头泳衣… {fnTahomafs10bord0shad01cH00FFFF}Are you sure woolly one -piece bathing suit…。



  例句:- What a mess! Those wild and woolly strikers again!




  例句:Or maybe you’re even the woolly mammoth.

  翻译:又或者,你甚至可能 是那个毛绒绒的猛犸象。 。



  例句:Our clan leader is telling us about how he hunted the woolly mammoth on the tundra that day.

  翻译:我们部落的首领正在给我们讲述 有一天他是如何在苔原上 捕获到毛茸茸的猛犸象的故事。 。


  woolly一般作为名词使用,如在European woolly thistle([网络] 欧洲羊毛蓟)、european woolly thistles([网络] 欧洲羊毛蓟

  (european woolly thistle 的复数))、hemlock woolly adelgid([网络] 铁杉球蚜)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. Or maybe you’re even the woolly mammoth.

  翻译:又或者,你甚至可能 是那个毛绒绒的猛犸象。 。

  2. Our clan leader is telling us about how he hunted the woolly mammoth on the tundra that day.

  翻译:我们部落的首领正在给我们讲述 有一天他是如何在苔原上 捕获到毛茸茸的猛犸象的故事。 。

  3. Tell it to the cotton-woolly patches in my eyes.

  翻译:同我的眼底的絮状斑块说吧 Tell it to the cotton。

  4. in the 1950s, a small organism appeared in Richmond, Virginia, called the Hemlock woolly adelgid.

  翻译:20世纪xx年代,一种小型生物出现在弗吉尼亚州的里士满, 它们被称作铁杉球蚜。 。

  5. By the time the first shoots of willow appear in the early spring, the woolly bear is already eating.

  翻译:早春的爬地柳新叶刚刚出来 灯娥幼虫已经开始大嚼了。

  6. Then they present all of the stuff that they’ve developed to their teammates, to the rest of the company, in this wild and woolly all-hands meeting at the end of the day.

  翻译:在这个全员到齐,万众一心的会议中 对他们的组员和整个公司 介绍他的发明 。

  7. One of them had one of those woolly hats with those tassels.


  8. You may think i’m a hardhearted black sock… but underneath this dark woolly exterior is a naked pink foot.

  翻译:你可能以为我是—只黑心袜 但在黑色毛料底下 是粉红的脚丫子。

  9. Alaska, Phillip. Wild and woolly. Man against nature.


  10. Turn around, you woolly…


  11. The hunters are sustained by bison, moose, woolly mammoth and the wild reindeer called caribou.

  翻译:最初的美洲人就是靠着野牛、麋鹿各种多毛的哺乳类 以及驯鹿来维生。

  12. You can get a proxy, as it’s being called by conservation biologists, of the woolly mammoth, that is effectively a hairy, curly-trunked, Asian elephant that is perfectly comfortable in the sub-Arctic.

  翻译:保育生物学家们称之为代理孕母, 猛犸象的代理孕母 实际上是一只长毛卷鼻的亚洲象, 可以完全适应在亚北极圈的生活。 。

  13. But no matter how fast the woolly bear eats, it will not have time to gather enough food this year, either, and the cold closes in once again.

  翻译:不过不管它吃得多快 今年吃到的食物仍然不够 天气又再次变冷。

  14. This is my nephew Jack. Jack, Miss Woolly.

  翻译:这是我的侄子 杰克 杰克 这位是伍莉。

  15. You can do the same thing, as the costs come down, for the Carolina parakeet, for the great auk, for the heath hen, for the ivory-billed woodpecker, for the Eskimo curlew, for the Caribbean monk seal, for the woolly mammoth.

  翻译:当成本降低时 可以对卡罗莱纳长尾鹦鹉、大海确、 北美松鸡、象牙喙啄木鸟、 爱斯基摩杓鹬、加勒比僧海豹、 和长毛象进行相同的复活程序 。

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