例句:These things cannot be solved by storming in.
翻译:如果你不走,我就不走了 安德列,这种事可不是 搞一次突击就能解决的。
例句:So what, are you storming out now?
翻译:怎么着 你现在就要走了吗?。
例句:is theresa storming down here and seeing this.
storming一般作为名词使用,如在storming party(【军事】强击队)、storming stage(风暴期、动荡阶段)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. is theresa storming down here and seeing this.
2. HYDRA’s storming the building.
翻译:-site. 海德拉在扫荡这栋大楼 Hydra’s storming the building.。
3. it’s storming out. She might need me.
翻译:外面又刮风又下雨的 她可能会需要我。
4. They were storming Hitler’s vaunted Festung Europa – Fortress Europe.
翻译:他们正在突袭吹嘘的 “Festung Europa”…。
5. No, it’s a different kind of storming.
翻译:不,这是一种不同的暴风雨。 No, it’s a different kind of storming.。
6. The key that the Marquis du Lafayette sent to George Washington to celebrate the storming of the Bastille.
翻译:拉法叶为庆祝攻陷巴士底狱 送给的钥匙 。
7. The only remedy for you is storming the hairless beaches.
8. We want this woman storming out of that door, foaming at the mouth.
翻译:我们要这女人气得夺门而出 口吐白沫。
9. Storming the enemy communication center to 277,890.
翻译:突袭通讯基站 坐标 277,890.。
10. Storming off won’t help. She can’t do much to me.
翻译:逃避是没有用的, 我不会有事的。
11. On the left there’s a photo taken by an Egyptian activist who was part of the storming of the Egyptian state security offices in March.
翻译:左边的照片是一名埃及活动家拍摄的, 他参与了xx月 埃及局的。。
12. What, are we storming a Hanes factory?
翻译:{fn方正黑体简体fs18b1bord1shad13cH2F2F2F}美国汉佰公司 全球纺织业巨头 世界500强企业。
13. And then declaring the party a fiasco and storming out, leaving him humiliated in front of his guests.
翻译:去了说一句 这派对烂死了 然后摔门而去 And then declaring the party a fiasco and storming out, 让他在客人面前颜面尽失 leaving him humiliated in front of his guests.。
14. On the left there’s a photo taken by an Egyptian activist who was part of the storming of the Egyptian state security offices in March.
翻译:左边的照片是一名埃及活动家拍摄的, 他参与了xx月 埃及局的。 。
15. Yesterday morning he took power, after storming the Presidential Palace and kill his family.
翻译:昨天早晨,他取得政权, 在猛攻总统府之后 而且杀他的家庭。。