reviewers是什么意思 reviewers的翻译、中文解释

  reviewers是什么意思 reviewers的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:After the fourth rejection, we requested reconsideration of the manuscript, because we strongly suspected that one of the reviewers who had rejected it had a financial conflict of interest in a competing technology.

  翻译:在第四次拒收后, 我们要求对稿件进行重审, 因为我们严重怀疑 审核小组中一位拒绝此稿件的成员 在与之竞争的技术领域 有经济利益纠葛。。



  例句:These are pictures the girls themselves never saw, but they gave to us This is the stuff those reviewers don’t know about and aren’t listening to and this is the kind of research i recommend to those who want to do humanistic work.

  翻译:这些照片女孩子们自己都没有看过,但他们给了我们。 这就是那些批评者不知道也不去知道的部分, 这也是我推荐给你们的研究工作, 对于那些想做人文主义工作的。 。



  1. i think those are the reviewers from that internet site, Trip Adventurers.

  翻译:他俩应该是 那个网站”旅行冒险”的评论员。

  2. They wrote almost 1,000 pages on the topic, and all of those pages were reviewed by another 400-plus scientists and reviewers from 113 countries.

  翻译:在这个主题上,他们倾注了近一千页的努力 同时,来自113个国家的400多位科学家 和观察员审读了整份报告 。

  3. Our fake reviewers talked about who they were with and what they were doing. They also used the first person singular, i, way more than the people that actually stayed there.

  翻译:我们的假评人谈到他们和谁在一起, 在做什么。他们也会用第一人称,”我“ 远远多于真正在那里住过的人。 。

  4. After the fourth rejection, we requested reconsideration of the manuscript, because we strongly suspected that one of the reviewers who had rejected it had a financial conflict of interest in a competing technology.

  翻译:在第四次拒收后, 我们要求对稿件进行重审, 因为我们严重怀疑 审核小组中一位拒绝此稿件的成员 在与之竞争的技术领域 有经济利益纠葛。 。

  5. But they insisted that i come, and, uh, i guess it never hurts to stay on the good side of reviewers.

  翻译:. 早些时候. 我发誓.。

  6. And all of those pages were reviewed by another 400-plus scientists and reviewers, from 113 countries.

  翻译:同时,来自113个国家的400多位科学家 和观察员审读了整份报告。

  7. We know that reviewers will find more spelling errors in your writing if they think you’re black.

  翻译:评论家会在你的作品里 挑出很多拼写错误, 仅仅因为他以为你是个黑人。 。

  8. And i’m glad to say the Spanish reviewers disagree with you as well, Walter.

  翻译:我很高兴地宣布 西班牙的评论员 观点跟你不一样,沃尔特。

  9. These are pictures the girls themselves never saw, but they gave to us This is the stuff those reviewers don’t know about and aren’t listening to and this is the kind of research i recommend to those who want to do humanistic work.

  翻译:这些照片女孩子们自己都没有看过,但他们给了我们。 这就是那些批评者不知道也不去知道的部分, 这也是我推荐给你们的研究工作, 对于那些想做人文主义工作的。。

  10. All the reviewers showed up.

  翻译:It’s an ugly crowd tonight. All the reviewers showed up.。

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