例句:You can hear a slight lost in the dust his spacesuit but i see nothing.
翻译:我的意思是 也许你在尘埃微粒碰到你的宇航服时 偶尔会听到砰的一声 但你看不到任何东西。
例句:if you calculate the amount of potential energy, mgh, to take you and your spacesuit up to a couple hundred miles, and then you accelerate yourself to 17,500 miles per hour — remember, that one half MV squared — and you figure it out.
翻译:如果你计算下势能的总量,质量x重力加速度x高度, 要把你和你的宇宙服送到几百英里高, 再把你加速到17,500英里美小时。 还记得吗,二分之一质量乘以速度的平方,你就算出来了。 。
例句:But, i’m not really sure how it’s going to look with my spacesuit on.
1. But, i’m not really sure how it’s going to look with my spacesuit on.
2. MASSl M i NO: We’re really dependent on our spacesuit to keep us alive.
3. You are in a one-person spaceship that is your spacesuit, and you’re going through space with the world.
翻译:你搭乘着“单人宇宙飞船”, 也就是你自己的的宇航服, 你将会和世界一起穿越太空。 。
4. To survive longer, you would need a spacesuit.
翻译:you would need a spacesuit.。
5. How much will it cost you and your spacesuit to go to orbit?
6. We don’t wanna get a rip or a tear in our suit… because outside of our spacesuit is space, and in space there’s no air.
翻译:我们不能在太空服上弄出一点裂痕或窟窿 因为在我们的太空服外就是太空,而太空中是没有空气的。
7. How much will it cost you and your spacesuit to go to orbit?
翻译:把你和你的太空服一起送上轨道要花多少钱? 。
8. This astronaut must wear a spacesuit.
9. Cindy, put your spacesuit on
10. The gray flesh encasing it is organic material, some kind of bioengineered spacesuit.
翻译:外面包裹的灰色肉层是一种有机材料 像是利用某种生物技术制成的太空衣。
11. We knew everything there is to know about the spacesuit and we trained underwater thousands of times.
翻译:我们知道该了解的 关于宇航服的一切 我们在水下训练过数千次。 。
12. if you calculate the amount of potential energy, mgh, to take you and your spacesuit up to a couple hundred miles, and then you accelerate yourself to 17,500 miles per hour — remember, that one half MV squared — and you figure it out.
翻译:如果你计算下势能的总量,质量x重力加速度x高度, 要把你和你的宇宙服送到几百英里高, 再把你加速到17,500英里美小时。 还记得吗,二分之一质量乘以速度的平方,你就算出来了。。