例句:it rearranges the molecules.
翻译:- 能改变分子排列 – 什么的分子?。
例句:So, these are early examples in the lab of emerging technologies to digitize fabrication. Computers that don’t control tools but computers that are tools, where the output of a program rearranges atoms as well as bits.
翻译:这些就是我们实验室里的一些新兴科技的展示 都是走向数字制造,计算机不再是工具的控制 而是成为了工具本身,程序的输出不单可以 调整原子,也可以调整比特的结构。
例句:But when you get it, it rearranges the stereotypes that are in your head.
翻译:一旦你看懂它的深意, 它会令你耳目一新。 。
例句:So, these are early examples in the lab of emerging technologies to digitize fabrication. Computers that don’t control tools but computers that are tools, where the output of a program rearranges atoms as well as bits.
翻译:这些就是我们实验室里的一些新兴科技的展示 都是走向数字制造,计算机不再是工具的控制 而是成为了工具本身,程序的输出不单可以 调整原子,也可以调整比特的结构 。
1. But when you get it, it rearranges the stereotypes that are in your head.
翻译:一旦你看懂它的深意, 它会令你耳目一新。 。
2. So, these are early examples in the lab of emerging technologies to digitize fabrication. Computers that don’t control tools but computers that are tools, where the output of a program rearranges atoms as well as bits.
翻译:这些就是我们实验室里的一些新兴科技的展示 都是走向数字制造,计算机不再是工具的控制 而是成为了工具本身,程序的输出不单可以 调整原子,也可以调整比特的结构 。
3. it rearranges itself to be red in deep space, purple as it enters RH-1729’s atmosphere, and green when it flies through the electric storms.
翻译:它在深空中可把自己变成为红色, 当进入 RH-1729 星球的大气层时变成紫色, 飞行穿梭在电子风暴中时变成绿色。 。
4. But if you do find a way to ignite it where you are, then you will find that the external world rearranges itself to accommodate the new person that you are becoming.
翻译:但是如果找到点燃的方法, 你就会发现生活 变的焕然一新, 来迎合全新的你。 。
5. He rearranges the cabinets.