例句:if you have a reoccurring dream about sucking a dick but never do it, are you gay?
翻译:你是否梦过有人帮你 但你却没反应,因为你是同志?。
例句:He predicted the temporal fault lines. And he’s been correct about the anomalies reoccurring.
翻译:他预测到了异常点的聚集地 在异常点重现的问题上他也是对的。
例句:And those tendencies are derived from the very nature of the physics, chemistry of wires and switches and electrons, and they will make reoccurring patterns again and again.
翻译:这些趋势是由电线、开关、以及电子的 物理和化学本质所决定的, 并且呈现出不断重复的模式。 。
1. And those tendencies are derived from the very nature of the physics, chemistry of wires and switches and electrons, and they will make reoccurring patterns again and again.
翻译:这些趋势是由电线、开关、以及电子的 物理和化学本质所决定的, 并且呈现出不断重复的模式。 。
2. i had this reoccurring dream where i’m 16 again and i’m standing in Reuben’s Butcher Shop on St Viateur.
翻译:很多次梦回xx岁的时候 我站在位于圣维塔的卢宾肉店。
3. i just have a little reoccurring dream… and i’m handling it fine.
翻译:我只是不断做同样的梦 而且我能应付。
4. i see this particular one reoccurring in so many different mediums.
翻译:我看到这幅作品 反复出现在许多不同的媒体报导当中。
5. During the time of the debate of the statue, i had been having reoccurring dreams about a bird.
翻译:在讨论雕塑问题的那段时间里, 我重复做着一个梦, 关于一只鸟。 。
6. Listen, fellas, i keep having this reoccurring nightmare, you know?
翻译:听着,伙计,我表示怀疑。 知道吗? 这都源自一个噩梦.。
7. if-if the cellular structure in the eye is reoccurring from person to person, then maybe something in the brain carries over as well, like a neurological link…
翻译:{fnMicrosoft YaHeifs15bord1shad03aHCCb0}如果不同的人能够拥有 {fnMS Reference Sans Seriffs12bord1shad03aHCCb0}If the cellular structure in the eye {fnMicrosoft YaHeifs15bord1shad03aHCCb0}相同的眼部细胞结构 {fnMS Reference Sans Seriffs12bord1shad03aHCCb0}is reoccurring from person to person, {fnMicrosoft YaHeifs15bord1shad03aHCCb0}那或许大脑中的某些东西 {fnMS Reference Sans Seriffs12bord1shad03aHCCb0}then maybe something in the brain。