selfies是什么意思 selfies的翻译、中文解释

  selfies是什么意思 selfies的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  例句:Did anyone ever comment on the amount of selfies Tara posted online?




  例句:Yeah, i knew about all that. i saw a few of his selfies when i borrowed his laptop one day.

  翻译:我有次借用他电脑时 看到过几张他的自拍。



  1. So the altered selfies appear random.


  2. All i know is if this guy’s into selfies, we’ve got a larger problem on our hands.

  翻译:如果这家伙对自拍感兴趣 问题就更棘手了。

  3. We’re supposed to take selfies, i think.


  4. Well, her instagram is flooded with selfies of her and another girl. Name’s Faith.

  翻译:她的Instagram都是 和另一个女孩的自拍 她名叫Faith。

  5. So get this: people who take and share nude photos own the rights to those selfies, so they should be able to issue a DMCA to have the content removed.

  翻译:所以留意我说的: 拍摄和分享的人 拥有这些相片的权利, 他们理论上可以执行 DMCA条款,删除内容。 。

  6. Each new photo and every nice message reminded me of exactly how much fun i have missed out on. i told myself to turn off my phone, but i couldn’t looked away. i was drowning in a sea of selfies and self-pity.


  7. i thought that people with a history like that could never change, and i had to rethink my assumptions, as did many of the participants who sent us thousands of emails and also selfies.

  翻译:我曾经认为有着这样历史的人 不可能会改变, 而现在我要重新审视自己的假设了, 就像众多给我们发送邮件和照片的 参与者一样。 。

  8. ( whooping ) – i take selfies every single day. – ( camera clicking ) i’m, like, kissing the camera and doing little smooches to it.

  翻译:拍照完毕后 可以在这里检验自己。

  9. SB: So, i watched you in the makeup room taking selfies with the makeup artist, and just being generally very accessible.

  翻译:布萨利:我看到您在化妆室 跟化妆师自拍时 感觉很亲切。 。

  10. i really love taking selfies, so i’m gonna kill this challenge. – ( whooping ) – There it is.

  翻译:我真心喜欢自拍 所以我一定会赢。

  11. i’m going to play the slots a little bit by myself and then i’ll just go nose around the gift shops by myself, take selfies with the statues by myself.

  翻译:我自己去玩吃角子老虎 然后去逛礼品店 跟雕像玩自拍。

  12. Recent studies have linked the excessive taking of selfies to narcissism, addiction, even mental illness.

  翻译:最近研究发现 过度自拍 与自恋症 上瘾 甚至精神病有关。

  13. – There’s not even any selfies.

  翻译:Anything useful? 连张自拍都没有 There’s not even any selfies.。

  14. Why’d you take down all your selfies, Riley?

  翻译:你为什么删了所有自拍 Riley。

  15. Okay, now let’s get a few selfies so the kids will believe us.

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