reframing是什么意思 reframing的翻译、中文解释

  reframing是什么意思 reframing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:So violence interruptors hired from the same group, credibility, trust, access, just like the health workers in Somalia, but designed for a different category, and trained in persuasion, cooling people down, buying time, reframing.

  翻译:暴力阻止者是从(动怒者)同一个圈子里选出来的, 有信誉、值得信任、能接近(动怒者), 就象在索马里的那些(在难民营受训的)医护工作者一样。 只不过他们为不同的目的而工作。 他们受训学习如何劝说别人, 让(动怒者)息怒,和他们一起消磨时间,转变他的态度。 。



  例句:Reframing love as something i get to create with someone i admire, rather than something that just happens to me without my control or consent, is empowering.

  翻译:把爱情当作一个 与我所爱的人共同创造的东西, 而不是一个不经我控制或同意 就发生在我身上的东西, 这想法非常激动人心。 。



  例句:And that’s the key, perhaps, to reframing our thinking about medicine.

  翻译:而这之中的关键, 可能就是重塑我们的药物观。 。



  1. And that’s the key, perhaps, to reframing our thinking about medicine.

  翻译:而这之中的关键, 可能就是重塑我们的药物观。 。

  2. i see no ethical problem with reframing an issue.

  翻译:我们只是在讨论问题 上升不到道德层面吧 I see no ethical problem with reframing an issue.。

  3. Now, 20 years on, at TED, i want to ask your help in a new reframing.

  翻译:xx年过去了,现在,在TED 我请求你们帮助创建新的架构 。

  4. Well, we believe it’s a technique that we call moral reframing, and we’ve studied it in a series of experiments.

  翻译:嗯,我们相信有个方法, 我们称之为道德重塑框架 我们对此用一系列的实验来研究。 。

  5. But that’s how robust this moral reframing effect was.

  翻译:可见道德重新框架的效应。 。

  6. (Laughter) (Applause) So the power of reframing things cannot be overstated.

  翻译:(观众笑声) (掌声) 所以,再构造事情的能力 是极其重要的。 。

  7. Oh, and speaking of reframing things,

  翻译:还有 说到改变 Oh, and speaking of reframing things,。

  8. So let’s try by reframing how we view it.

  翻译:让我们尝试改变看待压力的方式。 。

  9. i would say here is where religious leaders come in, because religious leaders are good at reframing issues for people, at harnessing the emotional centers of the brain to get people to alter their awareness and reframe the way they think.

  翻译:我再次强调领袖就是这么来的, 因为领袖善于把事情重述给人们, 同时控制大脑中情绪的强度 使得人们改变他们的仪式,改变思考的方式。。

  10. Now, 20 years on, at TED, i want to ask your help in a new reframing.

  翻译:xx年过去了,现在,在TED 我请求你们帮助创建新的架构。

  11. i would say here is where religious leaders come in, because religious leaders are good at reframing issues for people, at harnessing the emotional centers of the brain to get people to alter their awareness and reframe the way they think.

  翻译:我再次强调领袖就是这么来的, 因为领袖善于把事情重述给人们, 同时控制大脑中情绪的强度 使得人们改变他们的仪式,改变思考的方式。 。

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