barbra是什么意思 barbra的翻译、中文解释

barbra是什么意思 barbra的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 意义及用途:Barbra是一个女性名字,也可以是缩写词,代表着各种不同的组合和机构。在英语中,Barbra也可以被用作形容词或者动词。

Example sentences:

– Barbra is a beautiful name for a little girl.

– The BARBRA study aims to determine the effects of a specific medication on patients.

– The BARBRA Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children with cancer.

– I like to barbra my hair with colorful clips.

2. 发音:这个单词的发音是 /ˈbɑːbrə/,读起来比较简单。

Example sentences:

– Can you please say your name again? I didn’t catch it. Is it Barbra or Barbara?

– I always misounce Barbra Streisand’s name. Is it “stree-zand” or “stry-zand”?

– My French friend has trouble ouncing the “r” sound in Barbra.

3. 著名人物:Barbra Streisand是一位非常著名的女演员、歌手、导演和制片人,她拥有众多的电影和音乐作品。

Example sentences:

– Barbra Streisand has won multiple Academy Awards, Grammy Awards, Emmy Awards, and Tony Awards.

– I love listening to Barbra Streisand’s music, especially “The Way We Were.”

– My grandma used to watch Barbra Streisand movies all the time when she was younger.

– Barbra Streisand is known for her incredible voice as well as her acting skills.

4. 性别:Barbra通常作为女性名字使用,但是也可以被用作男性名字或者中性名字。

Example sentences:

– I didn’t realize that Barbra was a uni name until I met a male Barbra.

– My friend named their baby Barbra because they wanted a gender-neutral name that wasn’t too common.

– I always umed that Barbra was a female name because I’ve never met a male Barbra before.

– Barbra is a unique name that can work for either gender.

Barbra的中文翻译是芭芭拉(bā bā lā)。


1. Barbra Streisand是一位著名的美国女歌手和女演员。

2. 我家附近有一家叫做Barbra的餐馆,他们的披萨很好吃。



例句:I got Rodney Dangerfield, Richard Harris. I’ll trade them for Barbra. (我有鲁尼・丹哲菲德,理查德・, 我愿意用他们换芭芭拉)


例句:Unreal Royal: The Queen’s had a long reign but did we forget the Barbra Streisand years? (不真实的皇室:该女皇曾有过一段漫长的统治,但读者请仔细看,她是不是使你想起了芭芭拉·史翠珊呢?)


例句:Um, and then follow, follow, follow, follow, follow… and then when you’ve sung all your favourite Barbra Streisand songs at the top of your voice… and got us slung out of the pub… (过来… 等你唱遍芭芭拉史翠珊的歌 害我们被赶出酒吧)


例句:”I saw Barbra Streisand in New York, my first time she was singing, she was still singing like small clubs.” (翻译:我在纽约看见芭芭拉. 史翠珊 第一次看见她在唱歌)


Barbra 【女名】女子名

1. Um, and then follow, follow, follow, follow, follow… and then when you’ve sung all your favourite Barbra Streisand songs at the top of your voice… and got us slung out of the pub… (翻译:过来… 等你唱遍芭芭拉史翠珊的歌 害我们被赶出酒吧)

2. “I saw Barbra Streisand in New York, my first time she was singing, she was still singing like small clubs.” (翻译:我在纽约看见芭芭拉. 史翠珊 第一次看见她在唱歌)

3. He even offers yet one more reason to hate Barbra Streisand: she hates dogs. (翻译:他甚至提出了一个厌恶芭芭拉•史翠珊的理由:她讨厌狗。)

4. I know you think Barbra ls all tough, all the time (翻译:我知道你们俩怎么看阿岚 一个不懂温柔的泼妇)

5. You know you have arrived in Barbra country when all along the roadside; you see piles of empty beer bottles and cans. (翻译:要知道,当你漫步在巴尔拜的街道,随处可见都是些空酒瓶罐。)

6. Meet Barbra, the witch of every man’s dreams (翻译:她叫小岚 她是所有男人梦寐以求的魔界女神)

7. Honey, your father’s going to France with Barbra Streisand! (翻译:亲爱的,爸要和巴巴拉. 史翠珊 一起去法国!)

8. So Barbra Streisand wants to study the Talmud , right? (翻译:那芭巴拉。斯特雷山德想学犹太法典, 是不是。)

9. Audrey Hepburn, Beyonce, Barbra Streisand. (翻译:奥黛丽·赫本,碧昂斯或者芭芭拉·史翠珊的鼻子)

10. Barbra Streisand is such a humongous star. (翻译:芭芭拉·史翠珊是个天后级巨星。)

11. Her well-known disinclination for live performances began when she forgot the words to several songs during a concert appearance. (翻译:Barbra对现场表演的厌恶也是有名的,这是因为她在一次现场演唱会上忘记了几首歌的歌词。)

12. Sally: My favorite actress. . . Oh, boy. Barbra Streisand. (翻译:莎莉:我最喜欢的女演员是…哦,是啊,是芭芭拉·史翠珊。)

13. That wasn’t Barbra Streisand? (翻译:那不是Barbra Streisand? 你想见我?)

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