blu是什么意思 blu的翻译、中文解释

blu是什么意思 blu的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




– blue sky(蓝天)

– blue jeans(蓝色牛仔裤)

– blue eyes(蓝色的眼睛)

– feeling blue(感到沮丧)

– blue-collar worker(蓝领工人)



1. The sky is so blue today.(今天的天空很蓝。)

2. She always wears blue jeans.(她总是穿蓝色牛仔裤。)

3. His eyes are a beautiful shade of blue.(他的眼睛是一种漂亮的蓝色。)

4. After her dog died, she was feeling blue for weeks.(狗狗去世后,她沮丧了几个星期。)

5. My father has been a blue-collar worker his whole life.(我父亲一生都是蓝领工人。)




1. The sky is blue.(天空是蓝色的。)

2. She wore a beautiful blue dress.(她穿了一条漂亮的蓝色裙子。)

3. The logo of the company is a blue circle.(公司的标志是一个蓝色的圆形。)



例句:Marco Proietti, the general manager at Bella Blu, an Italian restaurant on Lexington near 70th Street, said she would likely be declared unwelcome. (贝拉蓝光是坐落在第70街,列克星敦附近的一个意大利餐厅。经理马克·帕瑞厄蒂说,她会是一个不受欢迎的客人。)


例句:For more information or a copy of the MSDS or PDS, contact Tru-Blu Oil. (欲了解更多信息或对数据表或PDS,请复制的Tru-蓝光油。)


例句:A so-called ‘wine angel’ carries two bottles of wine from a wine storage tower in the lobby of the Radisson Blu Hotel at Zurich airport. (苏黎世机场的雷迪森酒店大堂,飞翔的“酒天使”从藏酒塔取下两瓶酒。这座16英尺高的塔藏有4千瓶酒,酒天使按客人的需要取酒。)


例句:Do not use PORTA-BLU in conjunction with disinfectants or chlorinated products, acids, formaldehydes or other toilet chemicals. (翻译:不要把PORTA-BLU与消毒剂或氯化物产品、酸类、甲醛或其它厕所化学清洁剂混合使用。)

blu一般作为名词使用,如在BLU(基本链路单位 背光模块,人名 法 布吕)等常见短语中出现较多。

BLU 基本链路单位 背光模块,人名 法 布吕

1. A so-called ‘wine angel’ carries two bottles of wine from a wine storage tower in the lobby of the Radisson Blu Hotel at Zurich airport. (翻译:苏黎世机场的雷迪森酒店大堂,飞翔的“酒天使”从藏酒塔取下两瓶酒。这座16英尺高的塔藏有4千瓶酒,酒天使按客人的需要取酒。)

2. Do not use PORTA-BLU in conjunction with disinfectants or chlorinated products, acids, formaldehydes or other toilet chemicals. (翻译:不要把PORTA-BLU与消毒剂或氯化物产品、酸类、甲醛或其它厕所化学清洁剂混合使用。)

3. The first floor of a plant in Miyagi Prefecture that makes magnetic tape and Blu-ray discs was flooded , the company said . (翻译:该公司说,它在宫城县一座磁带和蓝光影碟生产厂的第一层被水淹没。)

4. Warner Brothers will support only Blu-ray starting in June. (翻译:他们从xx月起将只支持蓝光射线格式。)

5. It also packs one terabyte of storage, three USB ports, a built-in two megapixel camera and a Blu-ray disc drive. (翻译:电脑内置英特尔酷睿i7处理器、8G内存和1T硬盘,配有三个USB端口、一个内置的百万像素摄像头和一个蓝光光驱。)

6. Rare macaw is a very special bird. In fact Blu is the last male of his kind. (翻译:稀有的金刚鹦鹉是一种非常奇特的鸟,事实上,布鲁是它种族最后的一只雄鸟。)

7. They get it through LG and Samsung Blu-ray players. (翻译:他们通过LG和三星蓝光播放器得到了它。)

8. Then, recently, I stumbled upon the Marantz UD9004, a universal disc player that supports a dizzying array of disc and compression formats, including Blu-ray, DVD, DVD-Audio, and SACD discs. (翻译:然后,我最近呼吁马兰士UD9004,一个普遍的光盘播放器,支持多种光盘和压缩格式,包括蓝光,DVD,DVD音频,和SACD碟片令人眼花缭乱绊倒。)

9. Gamespot News – If you have a PS3, you have already seen the benefit of Blu… (翻译:游戏新闻-如果你有一个P S3的,你已经看到了造福蓝光。)

10. Your Blu-ray player has a very cheap blue laser. (翻译:你的蓝光播放器里 有非常便宜的蓝色激光。)

11. I think I saw it on a Blu-Ray disc, bonus stuff. (翻译:I think I saw it on a Blu -Ray disc, bonus stuff.)

12. Your Blu-ray player has a very cheap blue laser. (翻译:你的蓝光播放器里 有非常便宜的蓝色激光。)

13. On the good side, DisplayPort does support HDCP, so you can use it to playback protected HD content from Blu-rays and more. (翻译:它好的地方还在于,DisplayPort支持HDCP,这样就能播放蓝光或者其他的受保护的内容。)

14. Or, you know, we could get take-out and watch the Blu-ray extended version of The Hobbit movie with commentary track. (翻译:或者我们可以叫外卖 然后看带评论音轨的 蓝光加长版)

15. My cousin sent me a light blu shirt and a navy blue cravat. (翻译:我的表弟寄给我一张光蓝衬衫和一名海军蓝色的领带)

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