embarks是什么意思 embarks的翻译、中文解释

embarks是什么意思 embarks的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词性:embarks是动词,意为“开始、着手进行某项行动或计划”。

2. 意义:embarks强调了开始做某事的主动性和决策性。embarks通常指一个人或一个组织开始着手做某项工作或计划。

3. 用法:embarks常用于介词短语后面,表示开始进入某个领域、某个计划或开始某项工作。

4. 同义词:commences、initiates、commits、sets out、launches等。

5. 反义词:abandons、cancels、ss、halts、quits等。


1. 随着新领导层上任,公司开始着手实施一系列的变革计划。(With the new leadership in place, the company embarks on a series of transformation plans.)

2. 学校着手制定新的教学计划,以适应新课程标准的要求。(The school embarks on developing new teaching plans to meet the requirements of the new curriculum standards.)

3. 我们决定着手研究新的市场方案,以进一步扩大我们的市场份额。(We decided to embark on exploring new market strategies in order to further expand our market share.)

4. 公司决定着手开发新产品,以满足客户对高质量产品的需求。(The company decides to embark on the development of new products to meet the demand of customers for high-quality products.)

5. 已经着手推行减税政策,以经济发展。(The government has embarked on implementing tax reduction policies to stimulate economic growth.)


1. After years of planning, the company finally embarks on its IPO.

2. The school embarks on a new curriculum to better prepare students for college.

3. The government embarks on a mive infrastructure project to boost the economy.

4. The fashion brand embarks on a new marketing campaign to attract younger customers.

5. The non-profit organization embarks on a fundraising campaign to support its mission.





1. The ship embarks on a long voyage to the other side of the world.(这艘船开始了一次通往世界另一边的长途航行。)

2. The company embarks on a new project to expand its business.(公司开始了一个扩大业务的新项目。)



例句:We caught up with Senator David Finch speaking to the Marthaville Order of Visionary Southern Gentlemen as he embarks on his campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives. (我们正好赶上David Finch 为参选美国众议院议员 在马瑟韦尔 南方成功人士联盟的演讲)


例句:With hib sest friend Rudy and his cute little sister Muffin, he embarks on a series of colorful adventures. (塞缪尔和他最要好的朋友鲁迪和他可爱的妹松饼,踏上了一系列丰富多彩的冒险旅程。)


例句:Buffett embarks on a European trip this month to scout for acquisitions. (巴菲特将在本月启程赴欧洲寻找收购对象。)


例句:That is the journey that Deacon Lemuel Cuffy embarks upon now. (翻译:Lemuel Cuffy执事 如今踏上的正是这段旅程)

embarks一般作为名词使用,如在embarks on(un. 着手)、embarks upon(从事,着手,开始)等常见短语中出现较多。

embarks on un. 着手 embarks upon 从事,着手,开始

1. Buffett embarks on a European trip this month to scout for acquisitions. (翻译:巴菲特将在本月启程赴欧洲寻找收购对象。)

2. That is the journey that Deacon Lemuel Cuffy embarks upon now. (翻译:Lemuel Cuffy执事 如今踏上的正是这段旅程)

3. Kidder will be leading the new Chrysler once it emerges from bankruptcy and embarks on its future alliance with Fiat. (翻译:基德尔将领导新成立的克莱斯勒一旦摆脱破产走上未来的联盟与菲亚特。)

4. The dispute is souring the air as Australia embarks ontalks with Japan about a free-trade agreement. (翻译:争执使气氛显得越来越不愉快,此时澳洲正着手与日本关于自由贸易协定的谈判。)

5. To that storybook end, Pedro ends up buried in a tunnel, and Mia embarks on a journey to find him. (翻译:随着故事情节的推进,佩德罗在一次事故中被埋进了一处隧道中,于是米娅开始了踏上了寻找父亲的漫漫历程。)

6. And, you know, when the army embarks on such an endeavor, we split the work into two tracks, all right? (翻译:当要做这种事的时候 我们把工作分成了两条线)

7. The news comes as the search engine embarks on a buying spree, acquiring at least five companies since August, Reuters reports. (翻译:路透社报道,这个消息在购物搜索引擎中一经发出,从xx月底开始就至少有五家公司征求。)

8. These nightly gatherings are just a taste of what is to come as the Ganges embarks on the next stage of her epic journey to the sea. (翻译:每晚的只是对未来的体验,而恒河继续着其奔向大海的壮丽旅程。)


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