bre是什么意思 bre的翻译、中文解释

bre是什么意思 bre的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. “bre”作为缩写词的含义:





1. I bought some fresh bre at the bakery this morning.(今天早上我去面包店买了些新鲜的面包。)

2. I never skip bre akfast because it’s the most important meal of the day.(我从来不会跳过早餐,因为它是一天中最重要的一餐。)

3. The doctor discovered a lump in her bre ast during the examination.(医生在检查中发现了她的有一个肿块。)

2. “bre”作为单词的含义:





1. He is proud to be a Bre ton and always speaks Bre ton language with his family.(他为自己是布列塔尼人而感到自豪,总是和家人说布列塔尼语。)

2. The cliffs were made of bre ccia rocks which made it difficult for climbers to grip.(悬崖是由角砾岩构成的,这让攀登者很难抓住。)

3. The priest carried the bre viary with him wherever he went to perform his duties.(牧师无论去哪里执行职责,都携带着简要祷告书。)

3. “bre”作为词根的含义:






1. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, then slowly bre athe out.(闭上眼睛,深深地吸一口气,然后慢慢地呼气。)

2. After running up the stairs, I was completely breath less and had to stop to catch my breath.(爬完楼梯后,我已经气喘吁吁了,不得不停下来喘口气。)

3. The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely breath taking.(从山顶上看到的景色绝对令人屏息。)




例句:We bre b company with Swiss roots, doing business in bnd with Asib for more than 140 years. (我们的公司总部在瑞士,但在亚洲地区与亚洲国家开展业务已有超过xx年的历史。)


例句, sir. Bre there four pieces in all? (欠不害羞让您久等了,先生。您一共是四件行李对吗?)


例句:There seems to bre no solution to this problem. (看来这个问题没有解决的办法。)


例句:Sometimes you just need a bre a k. (翻译:有时候,你只是需要休息一下。)

1. There seems to bre no solution to this problem. (翻译:看来这个问题没有解决的办法。)

2. Sometimes you just need a bre a k. (翻译:有时候,你只是需要休息一下。)

3. The incidence of SIRS is related to the hemorrhage volume, hemorrhage bre king into ventricles of brain , and blood glucose levels of AICH. (翻译:SIRS发生与脑出血患者出血量、出血是否破入脑室、血糖的高低有着密切的关系;)

4. Then he follows Rue des Martyrs, of the martyrs, which is fortunate because it leads him to Rue St. Georges, which, himself a famous martyr, first scalded, was then skinned like a tomato, then quartered, whacked and finally beheaded. (翻译:他再登上路 Il remontera ensuite la rue des Martyrs, 正好直通圣乔治路 ce qui tombe bien, car il aboutira rue Saint Georges, 圣乔治是著名的殉道者 他被沸水烹煮 célèbre martyrs, lui même qui fut ébouillanté,)

5. Turkish film Hayde Bre was awarded Best Feature Film along with Best Actor. (翻译:土耳其电影《伤不起的女人》获得最佳影片奖和最佳男演员奖。)

6. We also have send thank you letters, we are grateful to labels and additional card, so that the BRE is more ” extra support! ” (翻译:我们也曾经寄感谢信,现在我们的感谢标签和额外的卡片,使BRE正在获得更多的额外支持!)

7. The BRE is a revolutionary aluminium can end with an integrated flat opening mechanism made of plastic. (翻译:在英国建筑研究所是一个性的铝可以结束一个集成单位开放塑料制成的机制。)

8. Here’s a sentence that they will probably never use for communication in their entire lives: “Vala abre urnes.” (翻译:有一句话他们可能一生中都不会 用在对话中: “Vala ābre urnes.” )

9. Ron Weasley: Bre we forming some sort of wizard army? (翻译:罗恩·韦斯莱:咱们是在组建一支神巫军吗? )

10. Bre you all volunteers for the Expo? Yes, we are. We want to do something for our city and the Expo. (翻译:你们都是世博会的志愿者吗?是的,我们希望为本身的都会以及世博会做些事。)

11. We bre committed to continuously offer efficient bnd economic solutions forb wide variety of applications bnd requirements. (翻译:我们的目标就是始终致力于提供有效经济的解决方案从而满足各种不同用途和要求。)

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