belli是什么意思 belli的翻译、中文解释

belli是什么意思 belli的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 作为姓氏:有些人姓Belli,这个名字在意大利比较常见。

– My colleague’s last name is Belli, he’s from Italy.

– Have you met Mr. Belli before? He’s the CEO of our company.

– Belli is not an easy name to spell, it has two Ls and one I.

2. 作为缩写词:有些缩写词中包含”belli”这个字母组合,如下所示。

– BELLISSIMO: an Italian word meaning “very beautiful”, often used to describe food or scenery.

– I had the most delicious pizza last night, it was bellissimo!

– Look at this view, it’s absolutely bellissimo!

– BELLICOSE: an English adjective meaning “eager to fight, aggressive”.

– The two countries have been in a bellicose mood for weeks, tensions are high.

– John’s personality is quite bellicose, he always wants to argue with people.

– OBELISK: a tall, four-sided pillar with a pyramid-shaped top, often used as a monument.

– The most famous obelisk in the world is probably the Washington Monument in the USA.

– The ancient Egyptians built many obelisks to honor their pharaohs.

3. 作为词根:在某些词汇中,”belli”作为词根表示”战争、斗争”的含义。

– BELLIcose: already mentioned above.

– REBELLIon: an uprising against authority or government.

– The American Civil War was essentially a rebellion of southern states against the federal government.

– The rebels were defeated after a long and rebellion.

– BELLIgerent: hostile, aggressive, engaged in a conflict.

– The two belligerent nations were at the brink of war, until a last-minute peace agreement was reached.

– Jane’s attitude towards her boss was quite belligerent, she was always arguing with him.


– My Italian friend introduced me to a beautiful word: bellissimo!

– The ancient Egyptians built many obelisks to commemorate their pharaohs.

– The rebels were outnumbered and outgunned, but they never gave up.

– The two belligerent nations were on the brink of war, until a last-minute peace agreement was reached.

– John’s bellicose attitude made him unpopular among his colleagues.


读音:běi lì。


1. 她的长发飘逸,面庞清秀,是一个非常漂亮的女孩子,真是个belli。

2. 这幅画的色彩斑斓,充满了生机和活力,让人感到心情愉悦,真是一幅很belli的画。



例句:Safety:Belli is the only company in the world to perform teratology screening of our ingredients to help guard against birth defects. (产品简介: Belli是全球唯一在进行预防和防治先天畸形及先天缺陷的公司。)


例句:Safety: Belli is the only company in the world to perform teratology screening of our ingredients to help guard against birth defects. (产品简介:Belli是全球唯一在进行预防和防治先天畸形及先天缺陷的公司。)


例句:Belli favors Brazilian team before the finals, final Brazilian team in World Cup finals disastrous defeat. (贝利在决赛前又看好巴西队,最终巴西队在世界杯决赛中惨败。)


例句:Belli Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotion depth to her songs. (翻译:比利假日的名誉是一位爵士乐歌手的杰作,她在歌中融入了深厚的感情。)

belli一般作为名词使用,如在jus belli([法] 战争法)、Oua Belli([地名] 瓦贝利 ( 摩洛 ))、casus belli(开战的理由)等常见短语中出现较多。

jus belli [法] 战争法 Oua Belli [地名] 瓦贝利 ( 摩洛 ) casus belli 开战的理由

1. Belli favors Brazilian team before the finals, final Brazilian team in World Cup finals disastrous defeat. (翻译:贝利在决赛前又看好巴西队,最终巴西队在世界杯决赛中惨败。)

2. Belli Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotion depth to her songs. (翻译:比利假日的名誉是一位爵士乐歌手的杰作,她在歌中融入了深厚的感情。)

3. Remo Belli is best known the world over for the innovative percussion products he created and the company which he founded. (翻译:雷默·贝里以其创新的打击乐产品和他创办的公司而举世闻名。)

4. Belli, you’re a lawyer and I pay you quite handsomely to think like that. (翻译:贝利,你是一个律师 我付可观的费用给你让你那样思考)

5. I’m Alessandro Belli, I’m looking for Tony Costa. (翻译:我是亚利桑德罗. 贝里, 我要找托尼. 科斯塔。)

6. Belli, the world most famous football player is now considered as the king of the football. (翻译:贝利,世界上最著名的足球运动员,现在被认为是作为足球之王。)

7. A competition between Alessandro Belli and Marcello Santi. (翻译:亚利桑德罗. 贝里和马塞洛. 桑提间的竞争。)

8. From senior player Belli , Maradona, Beckenbauer, to work as the red heating power, young Luonaerduo, world top star player cannot be few. (翻译:从老球员贝利、马拉多纳、贝肯鲍尔,到当红的卡卡、小罗纳尔多,世界顶级球星一个都不能少。)

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