1. 词性:delegate可作为名词、动词,还可作为委托人的职称缩写。
2. 意思:作为名词,delegate指代表、代表团;作为动词,delegate指授权、委派、代表;作为职称缩写,delegate通常指代表。
3. 用法:delegate作为名词,通常用于会议、商务谈判等场合;delegate作为动词,通常用于授权、委派任务等场合;delegate作为职称缩写,则通常用于代表团中。
4. 例句:
– As a delegate to the United Nations, he represented his country with pride.
– The company decided to delegate the task of negotiating with the union to its HR department.
– The conference was attended by delegates from over 50 countries.
– The CEO delegates authority to her managers to make decisions on their own.
– The delegate from the USA made a pionate speech about climate change.
5. 拓展:除了常见的delegate外,还有delegatee(被委派者)、delegation(代表团、委派)、delegator(委托人)等词汇。
1. Part of speech: Delegate can be a noun or a verb, as well as an abbreviation for a job title.
2. Meaning: As a noun, delegate refers to a representative, delegation; as a verb, delegate means to empower, ign, or represent; as an abbreviation for a job title, delegate usually refers to a representative.
3. Usage: As a noun, delegate is commonly used in political meetings, business negotiations, and other gatherings; as a verb, delegate is commonly used in authorizing and igning tasks; as an abbreviation for a job title, delegate is usually used in a delegation.
4. Examples:
– As a delegate to the United Nations, he represented his country with pride.
– The company decided to delegate the task of negotiating with the union to its HR department.
– The conference was attended by delegates from over 50 countries.
– The CEO delegates authority to her managers to make decisions on their own.
– The delegate from the USA made a pionate speech about climate change.
5. Extension: In addition to the common use of delegate, there are also delegatee (the person who is delegated), delegation (representatives, delegation), delegator (the person who delegates) and other related terms.
1. The company’s CEO decided to delegate the project to his team.
2. She was chosen to be a delegate to represent her country at the international conference.
3. The politician delegated his authority to his istant while he was away.
例句:Minister delegate for employment and training in the ministry of employment, labor and social security: sebastien ouedraogo (就业、劳工和社会安全部负责就业和培训的部长级代表:塞巴斯蒂安·韦德拉奥果)
例句:Babbitt was an official delegate. (巴比特是一名正式代表。)
例句:The Canadian delegate offered no reply. (那位加拿大代表没给答复。)
例句:Some managers find it difficult to delegate. (翻译:有些经理认为难以做到知人善任。)
delegate一般作为名词、动词使用,如在military delegate([法] 军事代表)、permanent delegate([经] 常驻代表)、pledged delegate([网络] 承诺代表;宣誓代表)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. The Canadian delegate offered no reply. (翻译:那位加拿大代表没给答复。)
2. Some managers find it difficult to delegate. (翻译:有些经理认为难以做到知人善任。)
3. She is not inside that car. She’s entering the Summit as a delegate. (翻译:她不可能在车里面 她扮成代表混进峰会里了)
4. Minister Delegate in Charge of Arab World in The Prime Minister’s office: Bello Mamadou (翻译:府负责与伯世界关系的部长级代表:贝罗·马马杜)
5. The work can be expressed as the computational cost of each delegate multiplied by the number of elements in the source collection. (翻译:工作可表示为每个委托的计算开销与源集合中元素数量的乘积。)
6. We delegate the responsibility for the understanding of our disease, for the treatment of our disease, to anointed experts. (翻译:我们有责任 来弄懂我们的疾病, 以便来治疗我们的疾病, 成为在行的专家。)
7. If you’re the speediest member of a low key team, delegate appropriate tasks, such as research, to the slower staffer . (翻译:如果你是一个慢节奏团队中最快的一个,你就要把如研究工作等的相应工作委派给较为缓慢的人员。)
8. Usually, there would be no reason to give Shinigami explanations to one delegate, but… (翻译:本来 是没有必要跟区区一个代理死神解说的…)
9. Oolong is the delegate of Chinese tea, it is a kind of half barmy tea, transparent amber tea soup is its characteristic. (翻译:乌龙茶是中国茶的代表,是一种半发酵的茶,透明的琥珀色茶汤是其特色。)
10. Registries may delegate certain PDPs and PEPs to their constituent nodes. (翻译:注册中心可能将某些PDP和PEP授权给它们合法的节点。)
11. And from a design perspective, it’s about understanding what you can delegate to technology and what you can delegate to other people. (翻译:从一个设计的角度来讲 关于自身对科技掌握的一种的理解 你能分配那些任务给其他人)
12. Minister delegate for scientific research in the ministry of higher education and scientific research: mohamed ali boughazi (翻译:等教育和科研部负责科研的部长级代表:·阿里·布加齐)
13. I was a delegate representing the great state of New Jersey at the 2008 DNC. (翻译:我代表 新泽西州 出席了xx年的党全国委员会 )
14. At five o’, with the summing-up by the delegate of appraisers and the club president Chai Yanhua, the election ended. (翻译:时许,在评委代表及俱乐部柴艳华的总结中,本次竞选落下帏幕。)
15. This requirement seems to firmly delegate the responsibility of resolving patch conflicts to vendors, and away from MeeGo developers. (翻译:这个要求似乎坚决下放补丁解决冲突的供应商的责任,并远离MeeGo的开发商。)