clea是什么意思 clea的翻译、中文解释

clea是什么意思 clea的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

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清洁;读音:klɪə;例句:I need to clea my room before my guests arrive.(我的客人到来前,我需要打扫我的房间。)



例句:Child and Family Services. (Clea Hopkins 儿童和家庭机构)


例句:Venture captial for clea-tech initiatives was only 2 percent of the global total in the past quarter, barely a 10th of the U. S. share. (在过去的一个季度里投资清洁技术创新的风险资本只占全球总量的百分之二,仅是美国所占比例的十分之一。)


例句:Come on,Clea. We both know tomorrow wouldn’t be any different. (得了 Clea 我们都知道明天还不是一样)


CLEA 激光工程与应用会议

1. Come on,Clea. We both know tomorrow wouldn’t be any different. (翻译:得了 Clea 我们都知道明天还不是一样)

2. Time for these things to stay- a powerful d I regret here quietly- following this yearnos clea powerful sentimenting. (翻译:时间让这些东西留上去,而我在这里静静地追悔,继本年清洁的感伤。)

3. I’ll just put that right here. I have something for ya, Clea. (翻译:我就放在这儿 有些东西要给你看 Clea)

4. Use . the clea. n side of the swab… (翻译:使用棉签清洁的一面。)

5. They’ve got Sheri Strepling in their pocket,and I don’t think she’s the only one. you’re insinuating that Clea Hopkins is part of this? (翻译:Sheri Strepling和他们是一伙的 而且不止有她 等 等 等下… 你在暗示Clea Hopkins也参与其中?)

6. We have attendants to clea Dormitory public area, please take care of our enviro e an c onment. (翻译:员工宿舍舍公共区域由专人人负责清洁,请大家家自觉维护。)

7. As a kind of better antioxidant, it can clea free radical in human body, postpone senility. (翻译:作为强抗氧化剂,能够清除人体内的自由基,延缓衰老。)

8. Some people hear their own i er voices with great clea e . And they live by what they hear. (翻译:有些人能清楚地听见自己内心的声音,并按这个声音的指引生活。)

9. If you know where they are, Clea, you are aiding and abetting. (翻译:如果你知道他们在哪儿 Clea 那你就是帮凶)

10. That’s impossible. What about Clea Hopkins? (翻译:这不可能 那Clea Hopkins呢?)

11. This is Clea Hopkins. Ms. Hopkins, I’m calling from Victory Memorial, at the psych ward. (翻译:Hopkins 我这里是胜利纪念医院)

12. They took Jake’s social worker off his case, a girl name Clea Hopkins. (翻译:他们把Jake的社工从他的案子里撤下去了 是一个叫Clea Hopkins的女孩 Jake很喜欢她)

13. Clea, upload the coordinates to Sedonia to the ships nav computer. (翻译:柯丽,上传希顿的坐标位置 到飞船的计算机上。)

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