cepa是什么意思 cepa的翻译、中文解释

cepa是什么意思 cepa的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

CEPA是指“中國內地與香港特別行政區經濟夥伴關係安排”(Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement)。作为一项经济合作协议,它覆盖了投资、贸易、金融、旅游和其他领域,并旨在加强中国内地和香港的经济联系。以下是对CEPA这个单词或缩写词的五个方面的展开说明:

1. 合作领域:CEPA覆盖了多个经济领域,包括服务业、金融、物流、旅游等。通过CEPA,香港的企业可以在多个领域向内地市场拓展,而内地的企业也可以利用CEPA将产品和服务出口到香港及其他国家和地区。


– The service sector is one of the key cooperation areas covered by CEPA.

– CEPA has opened up new opportunities for Hong Kong companies in the logistics sector.

2. 优惠政策:CEPA为香港企业提供了一系列优惠政策,包括免税、免许可证、减免关税等。这些政策有助于提高香港企业的竞争力和进入内地市场的成本效益。


– Under CEPA, Hong Kong companies can enjoy a zero tariff rate on certain products exported to the mainland.

– CEPA has exempted Hong Kong service suppliers from obtaining business licenses in the mainland.

3. 经济效益:CEPA的实施对内地和香港的经济都产生了积极影响。内地可以通过CEPA吸引香港企业的投资和技术,促进本地经济发展;而香港则可以利用CEPA扩大出口市场,增加经济增长点。


– CEPA has greatly enhanced the economic integration between the mainland and Hong Kong.

– The implementation of CEPA has led to a significant increase in investment flows between the two regions.

4. 法律框架:CEPA不仅是一项经济合作协议,同时也是两地之间的法律框架。协议中规定了双方的权利和义务,为两地企业提供了一个稳定和可预测的投资环境。


– CEPA provides a legal framework for economic cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong.

– The CEPA agreement has established a stable and predictable investment environment for Hong Kong companies.

5. 未来发展:随着经济全球化的深入,CEPA在未来仍将扮演着重要的角色。双方可以进一步深化合作,扩大合作领域,促进经济互利共赢。


– The future development of CEPA will focus on expanding cooperation in areas such as innovation and technology.

– The two sides are committed to further promoting the development of CEPA to provide more opportunities for businesses in both regions.





1. The EU and Mercosur agreed on a trade deal, which has been criticized by environmentalists and farmers because of its potential negative impact on issues such as deforestation and competition with local producers. One of the most controversial aspects of the deal is the reduction of tariffs on products such as beef, chicken, and pork, which could lead to an increase in imports from South America and hurt European producers. The agreement also includes a quota for ethanol made from sugarcane, which could challenge the production of ethanol from corn in the EU. Critics argue that the deal does not include enough safeguards to protect the environment and human rights, and that it could lead to more intensive farming and destruction of the Amazon rainforest.


2. The current outbreak of African swine fever in China has led to a surge in demand for pork imports from countries such as the United States, Spain, and Portugal, which are not affected by the disease. However, the China Entrance-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association (CIQA) has recently imposed new restrictions on the import of meat products, including a ban on the use of ractopamine and a requirement for a statement indicating that the meat does not contain the African swine fever virus. These measures could affect the competitiveness of exporters and lead to a reduction in the volume of trade between China and its trading partners. The EU has raised concerns about the new rules, arguing that they are not based on scientific evidence and could constitute a violation of WTO rules.




例句:The Cooperation based on solid economic foundation provides strong complementarities to one another under CEPA frame. (CEPA框架下加强粤港金融合作具备扎实的经济基础和极强的互补性。)


例句:Cepa China Ltd , focused on product solution designing, ID design, manufacturing and marketing USB related products . (经展有限公司,专门设计,生产制造并且买卖指纹产品。)


例句:The Cooperation based on solid economic foundation provides strong complementarities to one another under CEPA frame. (CEPA框架下加强粤港金融合作具备扎实的经济基础和极强的互补性。)

cepa一般作为名词使用,如在scleroderma cepa(光硬皮马勃)等常见短语中出现较多。

scleroderma cepa 光硬皮马勃

1. The Cooperation based on solid economic foundation provides strong complementarities to one another under CEPA frame. (翻译:CEPA框架下加强粤港金融合作具备扎实的经济基础和极强的互补性。)

2. How to understand CEPA and its influences to economy correctly and completely? (翻译:如何才能全面正确地理解CEPA及其对经济的作用和影响呢? )

3. Onion (Allium cepa L) is an important flavoring that commands universal application as seasonings with vegetables in East daily diet. (翻译:洋葱具有辛辣风味,是东西方饮食中一种重要的日常调味用蔬菜。)

4. We envisage that CEPA will speed up our economic co-operation with the Mainland, particularly with the Pearl River Delta. (翻译:将使香港与内地,特别是与珠三角的经济合作加快。)

5. The latest supplement to CEPA came into effect last October. (翻译:《更紧密经贸关系的安排》的最新的补充书已经于去年xx月生效。)

6. The implementation of CEPA will help our enterprises make further inroads into the Mainland market. (翻译:CEPA的实施,将有助香港企业进一步拓展内地市场。)

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