bergbau是什么意思 bergbau的翻译、中文解释

bergbau是什么意思 bergbau的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 定义和关联词汇:’Bergbau’是德语中的一个单词,意思是矿业。在英语中,相对应的词汇是’mining’。其关联词汇包括coal(煤)、iron(铁)、gold(黄金)等矿物。

2. 历史和发展:随着工业化的发展,矿业成为了一个重要的行业,而’Bergbau’这个单词也逐渐被使用。在欧洲,德国是一个历史悠久的矿业大国,’Bergbau’在德国由于其历史的原因而更加被关注。

3. 环境和安全:矿业是一个对环境和人类造成影响的行业,而’Bergbau’也不例外。为了避免环境污染和人员伤亡等问题,需要制定相关的政策和规章制度。


1. Der Bergbau ist in vielen Ländern eine bedeutende Industrie.

Mining is an important industry in many countries.

2. Der Bergbau kann sowohl positive als auch negative Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt haben.

Mining can have both positive and negative effects on the environment.

3. Der deutsche Bergbau hat eine lange Geschichte und hat viele Veränderungen durchgemacht.

German mining has a long history and has undergone many changes.

4. Der Bergbau erfordert strenge Sicherheitsvorschriften, um Unfälle zu vermeiden.

Mining requires strict safety regulations to prevent accidents.

5. Die Regierung hat Maßnahmen ergriffen, um den Bergbau umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten.

The government has taken measures to make mining more environmentally friendly.

bergbau的中文翻译是矿业,读音为 [ˈbɛrkbaʊ]。


1. Die bergbauindustrie ist ein wichtiger wirtschaftsfaktor in vielen ländern. (矿业是很多国家的重要经济因素。)

2. Der bergbau hat in dieser region eine lange tradition. (矿业在这个地区有悠久的传统。)

3. Die bergbauarbeiten waren aufgrund der schwierigen geländebedingungen sehr herausfordernd. (由于恶劣的地形条件,矿业工作非常具有挑战性。)



例句:I want to use the “Lyric Suite” by Alban Berg for the transitions… (我准备用阿尔班·贝尔格的 《抒情组曲》来做转场音乐)


例句:Berg and his wife were sitting in a new, clean, light study, furnished with little busts and pictures and new furniture. (贝格和妻子坐在一间新近建成的清洁而又明亮的、装饰着小型半身雕像、绘画作品和新家具的书斋里。)

1. Berg tilts his head and a mischievous look crosses his face. (翻译:伯格歪着脑袋,一种淘气的表情在他的脸上一闪而过。)

2. A total of 13 heavy perpetrators escaped from the end of last season, the BAU team must arrest them. (翻译:上季结尾一共有13名重案犯越狱逃走,BAU调查组必须逐一将他们缉捕归案。)

3. As the captain watched, the ship came into view from behind the berg. (翻译:当船长注视着的时候,那船从冰的后面出现了。)

4. Unit 1, Kreuzberg, Unit 2, Friedrichshain, Unit 3, Prenzlauer Berg. (翻译:一分队: 克罗兹贝格 二分队: 弗里德里希海因 三分队:)

5. Every month, the children of Bau Gu were given a chance to find a family! (翻译:在每个月,保顾孤儿院的小孩都有机会被领养)

6. In Berlin, Daniel Domscheit-Berg quit the organization. (翻译:在柏林,丹尼尔Domscheit伯格 退出该组织。)

7. He read a few lines, and looked wrathfully at Berg. (翻译:他念了几行,便凶狠地瞟了贝格一眼。)

8. The dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. (翻译:冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为他只有八分之一在水面上。)

9. Department VI followed him to Prenzlauer Berg, then lost his trail. (翻译:第六部的人跟踪到普伦茨劳堡 他就失去踪迹)

10. Alban Berg’s Violin Concerto, the last complete work of the Austrian composer, is one of the most prominent works in the 20th century. (翻译:奥地利作曲家阿尔班·贝尔格最后一部完整作品《小提琴协奏曲》,是20世纪最杰出的作品之一。)

11. Train to Dadan tender Berg, the nuclear waste containers will be trucked 20 kilometers away gole this. (翻译:列车到达丹嫩贝格后,核废料集装箱将由卡车运至20公里外的戈莱本。)

12. Assange had neglected to tell Domscheit-Berg in Berlin. (翻译:阿桑奇忘了告诉 Domscheit -Berg在柏林。)

13. The decision to set up a separate company was a key component, says Mr Van Den Berg. (翻译:VandenBerg表示说成立公司的决定是非常关键的一步。)

14. Matt Webb, CEO of London-based design consultancy BERG, has a great phrase to describe the root of these innovations. (翻译:总部设在伦敦的设计公司BERG的CEO,马特韦布为这项技术的基础思想献上了他的溢美之词。)

15. Bau decided to become a vet after his pet dog saved him from a poisonous snake when he was a child. (翻译:Hoang Ngoc Bau小时候被毒蛇咬,他的宠物狗救了自己一命,于是他决定成为一名宠物医生。)

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