codename是什么意思 codename的翻译、中文解释

codename是什么意思 codename的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词义:codename 是一个名词,用于指代一个秘密的代号或名称,通常是为了保持某种特定信息的机密性。

2. 词性:codename 是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:give a codename to…(给……起个代号);use a codename(使用代号);reveal the codename(揭开代号的面纱)。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:[ˈkəʊdneɪm],音标为:kohd-ney-m


1. 我们需要为这个计划确定一个 codename,以便在组织内部保持机密。

We need to ign a codename to this project to maintain confidentiality within the organization.

2. 我们将这项任务交给了代号为“老鹰”的特别行动小组。

We igned the task to the special operations team codenamed “Eagle”.

3. 该计划的 codename 已经被曝光,使得所有的保密工作都白费了。

The codename of the project has been leaked, rendering all the secrecy efforts useless.

4. 在这个项目中,我们为每一个成员都分配了一个 codename,以保护他们的身份。

In this project, we igned a codename to each member in order to protect their identities.

5. 只有知道正确的 codename,才能进入这个区域。

Only with the correct codename can you enter this area.


1. The military operation had a top secret codename.


2. The company’s new product is still in development and is currently referred to by its codename.


3. Agent 007 is James Bond’s codename.




例句:Yeah, so, my codename would be White Elephant, of course, and yours… (对,所以,我的代号应该叫白色大象 你的叫…)


例句:I would like my codename to be Glorfindel. (还不如叫我的代号: Glorfindel)


例句:If you are Canadian, don’t become a spy unless you want to be called by a stupid codename like “Moose” (如果你是加拿大人,不要当侦探除非你想要一个像“驼鹿”这样的代号。)

1. If you are Canadian, don’t become a spy unless you want to be called by a stupid codename like “Moose” (翻译:如果你是加拿大人,不要当侦探除非你想要一个像“驼鹿”这样的代号。)

2. Under the codename “Otto Bohl” he rendered such services as tipping off the Stasi to espionage investigations and locating tunnels used by defectors from the east. (翻译:以“奥托•波尔”为代号,库拉斯为史塔西提供了诸如泄露间谍案调查情况、探明被来自东德的叛逃者所利用的隧道位置等服务。)

3. I won’t tell you what happened, but Lynne’s Secret Service codename is now “Dollar Bill. ” (翻译:我不会告诉你发生了什么事,可是林娜的联邦护卫的代号现在是“一美元钞票”。)

4. code name. A code name is a word or phrase used to refer secretly to a specific person, group, project, or plan of action. (翻译:Codename是用于秘密指代特定人员、组织、项目或行动计划的字词)

5. Interestingly, the codename is GF100, which is the third codename we have heard following the popular GT300 and the recently revealed Fermi. (翻译:有趣的是,代号是GF100,这是第三个代号,我们听到下面的流行GT300和最近发现费米。)

6. Operation Torch – codename for the Anglo-American landings in the French North African colonies of Morocco and Algeria. (翻译:火炬行动… 英美在法属北非殖民地 摩洛哥和阿尔及利亚登陆行动的代号)

7. The final appendix is a reprint of an article, “Codename Spinnaker, ” by Leigh Dodds that appeared on the XML. com Website. (翻译:最后一个附录是一篇文章的再版,出现在XML.com网站的“CodenameSpinnaker”,作者LeighDodds。)

8. After being with them about a year, they submitted me for this project, which had a codename at the time, so I didn’t know what it was. (翻译:xx年后,他给我介绍了这个项目,当时是用代号来表示的,所以我并不知道具体是什么项目。)

9. It’s all still speculation at this point, but it seems to be a rebel’s codename. (翻译:尚属推测,没任何根据 可能是的代号)

10. Today, you will be flying a joint operation over Nairobi, Kenya, codename Operation Egret. (翻译:今天,你们将操作一架无人机 飞往肯尼亚,内罗比 代号为白鹭行动)

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