anthropology是什么意思 anthropology的翻译、中文解释

anthropology是什么意思 anthropology的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





– Cultural anthropology:文化人类学

– Physical anthropology:生物人类学

– Linguistic anthropology:语言人类学

– Social anthropology:社会人类学

– Applied anthropology:应用人类学


– Anthropological study:人类学研究

– Anthropological research:人类学调查研究

– Anthropological approach:人类学方法

– Anthropological theory:人类学理论



1. She majored in anthropology and conducted fieldwork in Africa. 她主修人类学,并在非洲进行了实地调研。

2. Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures. 人类学是研究人类社会和文化的学科。

3. Cultural anthropology is one of the subfields of anthropology. 文化人类学是人类学的子领域之一。

4. Archaeology is closely related to biological anthropology. 考古学与生物人类学密切相关。

5. The study of language is an important part of sociocultural anthropology. 语言研究是社会文化人类学的重要组成部分。





例句:Each of these social sciences has a subfield or specialization which lies particularly close to anthropology. (每一门社会学科目都有一个分支或专业特别接近人类学。)


例句:(Reese) Sounds like our anthropology major has been studying economics. (Casey先生的信号一直没动过 或许你该进酒店找找他了)

4.人类学 、人类学系

例句:Africa,anthropology,apes,evolution,human origins,humanity,paleontology,science (翻译:Africa,anthropology,apes,evolution,human origins,humanity,paleontology,science)

anthropology一般作为名词使用,如在ecological anthropology(【人类学】生态人类学)、economic anthropology(【人类学】经济人类学)、educational anthropology(教育人类学)等常见短语中出现较多。

ecological anthropology 【人类学】生态人类学 economic anthropology 【人类学】经济人类学 educational anthropology 教育人类学 evolutionary anthropology 【人类学】演化人类学,进化人类学 forensic anthropology 法医人类学;刑事人类学 general anthropology [人类] 普通人类学 geographical anthropology [人类] 地理人类学 historical anthropology [人类] 历史人类学 industrial anthropology 工业人类学

1. (Reese) Sounds like our anthropology major has been studying economics. (翻译:Casey先生的信号一直没动过 或许你该进酒店找找他了)

2. Africa,anthropology,apes,evolution,human origins,humanity,paleontology,science (翻译:Africa,anthropology,apes,evolution,human origins,humanity,paleontology,science)

3. One of them, from anthropology, is the study of human universals. (翻译:其中之一是来自人类学 对人类共性的研究。)

4. When the Cro-Magnon was first identified, when anthropology gave them a name, (翻译:当克鲁玛努人第一次被确认的时候 当人类学家给了他们一个名字的时候)

5. My first degree was in Anthropology. (翻译:我第一个学位是人类学 My first degree was in Anthropology.)

6. anthropology,biology,evolution,human origins,humanity,race,science (翻译:anthropology,biology,evolution,human origins,humanity,race,science)

7. Nationality and national country have been basic concepts in ethnology and anthropology researches. (翻译:民族、民族国家历来是民族学、人类学研究的核心概念。)

8. Lest you think I exaggerate, here are the beginnings of the A-B-Cs of anthropology. (翻译:也许你会认为我是夸大其词 那咱们先看看人类学的ABC)

9. I took this to my colleagues at Stanford in anthropology and told them the same story. (翻译:我将此讲给 在斯坦福大学人类学的同事们 告诉他们这个故事)

10. Now, it took us a long time, and we were graduate students in anthropology. (翻译:现在,经过了很长时间,我们攻读完人类学的研究生 )

11. Literature Study … and anthropology, and loves Bright Eyes, which is a good thing. (翻译:文学研究, 和人类学,并爱 明亮的眼睛,这是一件好事。)

12. CHOL has been applied in ethnology and anthropology for Chinese information organization and knowledge discovery. (翻译:CHOL原型系统已被应用于民族学人类学的信息组织与知识发现。)

13. I want to finish my doctoral thesis with you. Not in anthropology, but psychiatry. (翻译:我想做精神病学方面的论文, 而不是人类学方面)

14. Africa,anthropology,exploration,global issues,human origins,humanity,paleontology,science (翻译:Africa,anthropology,exploration,global issues,human origins,humanity,paleontology,science)

15. Our next Riddle, a living specimen of anthropology… (翻译:我们的下一个迷,一个活着的人类学标本…)

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