1. 定义和词性:eagerly是一个副词,常常指“渴望地,热切地”的意思。
2. 用法:eagerly常常用来修饰其他的动词,表示主体非常热切地想要做某事,也可以用来描述某个人的姿态或表情,表示其非常兴奋或热情。
3. 同义词和反义词:eagerly的反义词是“indifferently”(漠不关心地),同义词包括“enthusiastically”(热情地)、“keenly”(热心地)、“ardently”(热烈地)等。
4. 语法结构:eagerly可以放在句子的不同位置,比如在句首、句中或句尾,但通常会放在动词后面。
1. The children eagerly asked their parents for a trip to Disneyland.孩子们热切地请求父母带他们去迪斯尼乐园。
2. The students eagerly raised their hands to answer the teacher’s questions.学生们热切地举手回答老师提出的问题。
3. After waiting for months, he eagerly opened the letter from the university.经过数月的等待,他热切地打开了大学来信。
4. She eagerly approached the stage to receive her prize.她兴奋地走向舞台领取她的奖品。
5. The dog eagerly wagged its tail, indicating that it was happy to see its owner.狗狗热切地摇着尾巴,表示它很高兴见到主人。
1. He eagerly accepted the job offer.
2. The children eagerly waited for their presents on Christmas morning.
3. The audience eagerly applauded the performance.
4. She eagerly studied the book to prepare for the exam.
例句:Anxious, too, that tomorrow may bring change yet eagerly awaiting the change it may finally bring (对明天可能带来的变化感到不安 又对明天可能带来的变化抱有希望)
例句:We bring these delightful creatures into the world, eagerly, happily, and then before long, they are spying upon and judging us, rarely favorably. (在我们殷切充满喜悦让这些可爱家伙 降临世间之前有很长时间 他们在上面少不了会监视和评断我们 生儿育女是我们梦寐以求的 在这当中 我们也正养育带着色眼镜看我们的批判者)
例句:Atlas eagerly complied, but Hercules then tricked him into trading places again, escaping with apples in hand. (阿特拉斯欣然同意,但赫拉克勒斯 之后又用计让他重新扛起青天, 赫拉克勒斯拿着苹果逃跑了。)
例句:”What were you after?” asked Seamus eagerly. (翻译:“你们去那儿找什么?”西莫急切地问。)
1. Atlas eagerly complied, but Hercules then tricked him into trading places again, escaping with apples in hand. (翻译:阿特拉斯欣然同意,但赫拉克勒斯 之后又用计让他重新扛起青天, 赫拉克勒斯拿着苹果逃跑了。)
2. “What were you after?” asked Seamus eagerly. (翻译:“你们去那儿找什么?”西莫急切地问。)
3. The exiled Highborne then eagerly sailed to the Eastern Kingdoms, still under Dath’Remar’s leadership. (翻译:这些被方住的上层精灵仍旧在达斯雷玛的领导下,他们急切的前往东部王国。)
4. While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with on hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. (翻译:虽然急切地捞钱,但是大笔的钱却越来越多的花在别的方面。)
5. We become this inner scientist where we’re eagerly awaiting that next data point. (翻译:我们成为了热切地期待着下一个数据点的 内心科学家。)
6. I found a lIkeness of MIss Dartle lookIng eagerly at me from above the chImney-pIece. (翻译:我看到壁炉搁板上面达特的画像,正焦灼急切地看着我。)
7. And they are very, very eagerly interested to get advice, and that’s to survive in poverty. (翻译:农民非常渴望得到建议 这就是贫困线以下的生活 )
8. A small price of $1.50 would eagerly be paid for such a delight. (翻译:一个小的价格$ 1.50 将热切支付 对于这样的喜悦。)
9. The Spanish representative was eagerly awaited yesterday, but did not exit his limo to greet the crowds. (翻译:西班牙的代表是 昨天期待已久, 但并没有退出他的豪华轿车 迎接的人群。)
10. The barbel fish eagerly dives in here, especially when the hippo was in dung production mode. (翻译:鲃鱼就在这里出没,尤其是当河马正处于“生产”的模式中。)
11. Complying eagerly, I beheld Hareton, laden with food enough to last me all day. (翻译:我热心地服从,看见了哈里顿,带着够我吃一整天的食物。)
12. Nothing could be better than Miss Florence, Sir, ‘ said Polly eagerly, ‘but I understood from her maid that they were not to ‘ (翻译:“没有什么能比弗洛伦斯更好的了,先生,”波利热情洋溢地说道,“但是我从她的小保姆那里了解到,他们不——”)
13. And I went, very eagerly, to see it, because — well, also, with an eye on this conference. (翻译:那么我就带着非常渴望的心情去参观,因为, 当然此行的目的也着眼于此次会议。)
14. And they are very, very eagerly interested to get advice, and that’s to survive in poverty. (翻译:农民非常渴望得到建议 这就是贫困线以下的生活)
15. Heidi had watched him eagerly. (翻译:海蒂热切地注视着他。)