capibara是什么意思 capibara的翻译、中文解释

capibara是什么意思 capibara的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词释:Capibara是一种大型啮齿动物,又称水豚,生活在南美洲热带地区。


– Capibaras are the largest rodents in the world.

– Capibaras can be found near bodies of water, such as rivers and lakes.

2. 发音:Capibara的读音为/kəˈpiːbərə/。


– Can you ounce capibara correctly?

– The unciation of capibara can be difficult for non-native English speakers.

3. 拼写:Capibara的拼写中需要注意单词中的“i”和“a”的顺序。


– The correct spelling of capibara is important for students to learn.

– Some students may struggle with the spelling of capibara.

4. 用法:Capibara通常作为名词使用,表示一种动物。


– The capibara is a popular attraction at the zoo.

– Capibaras are known for their large size and friendly demeanor.

5. 衍生词:Capibara是一个不常见的单词,因此没有太多的衍生词。


– The capibara’s scientific name is Hydrocrus hydrochaeris.

– Capibaras are sometimes referred to as water pigs due to their love for aquatic environments.


1. Capibaras are found in the Amazon basin.(水豚分布于亚马逊流域。)

2. We saw a herd of capibaras on our trip to South America.(我们在南美之行中看到了一群水豚。)

3. Capibaras are social animals that live in groups.(水豚是生活在群体中的群居动物。)

4. The capibara’s front teeth continue to grow throughout its life.(水豚的门牙在其一生中会持续生长。)

5. Capibaras are often hunted for their meat and skin.(水豚常常因为其肉和皮被猎杀。)


读音:kǎ bǐ bā lā


1. Capibara是世界上最大的啮齿动物之一。

2. 在亚马逊的河流和湖泊中,可以看到许多生活在水中的Capibara。

3. 许多人将Capibara视为宠物,因为它们温顺友好,容易照顾。



例句:TEPCO favours a liability cap. (TEPCO渴望一种责任的封顶。)


例句:So, um, do I include him in the cap table or not? (那我到底应不应该把他算在资产表里 So do I include him in the cap table or not?)

capibara一般作为名词使用,如在Capibara(卡皮瓦拉 委内瑞拉地名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Capibara 卡皮瓦拉 委内瑞拉地名

1. Where at first we had a small cap of higher rainfall, that cap is now widening and getting higher. (翻译:一开始的我们有一小撮较高的降雨量 雨量越来越宽也越来越高。)

2. A cap of flowers, and a kirtle. (翻译:鲜花做成帽子,配一袭长衫。)

3. And then I stop and I have to kind of put on this transgenerational thinking cap. (翻译:然后我打住了, 接下来不得不在某种程度上 进入跨代际的思考状态。)

4. To stop operation , take off the threaded cap of the catalytic burner and replace with a cap . (翻译:将如需暂停使用,请将密封盖盖住催化蕊头,待其自然熄灭。)

5. He did disgusting things to me. (翻译:他和盖来这里带走了杰弗逊 Him and cap come in here and take jefferson.)

6. – Got the idea from a cap of a Hun I killed. (翻译:-我是从那个被我杀死的德军帽子上得到灵感的)

7. The police chief says security forces are focusing on the town of Bara, which borders Peshawar. (翻译:总监说,安全正集中清剿靠近白沙瓦的巴拉镇。)

8. Oh, I tumbaste cap, better pick. (翻译:喔,瞧啊,你把我的帽子弄掉了 我得捡起来)

9. They took inspiration from, of all things, Cap’n Crunch. (翻译:出乎人意料的是,他们的灵感来自 Cap‘n Crunch麦片。)

10. That’ll put the cap on it. (翻译:呵,给你戴顶高帽子起, 没有再绝的方法了.)

11. I told Cap and some of the guys that I was gonna get together with them but… (翻译:我告诉Cap他们要和他们出去的 但是…)

12. The chambermaid smirked and went for a cap, but I laughed outright . (翻译:那侍女忍住了笑去拿睡帽,我却放声大笑起来。)

13. The haberdasher presented a cap, saying, “Here is the cap your worship bespoke. “” (翻译:帽匠拿出一顶帽子来说:“这就是老爷您定做的那顶。” )

14. Small cap funds overpower high cap funds over time… (翻译:小盘基金压倒 高盖资金随着时间的推移…)

15. Is there a bathing cap in your bathroom? (翻译:你的浴室里有… – … 浴帽吗?)

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