abreibung是什么意思 abreibung的翻译、中文解释

abreibung是什么意思 abreibung的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

As an , I’m happy to provide explanations for the term “Abreibung,” which is a German word that translates to “reprimand” or “scolding” in English. Below are three aspects to consider regarding this word, along with five example sentences in both German and English.

1. Definition: “Abreibung” is a noun that refers to a disciplinary action or punishment given to someone for a wrongdoing. It can involve a verbal scolding, a physical punishment like hitting, or both. It is often used in a colloquial or informal context.

Example sentences:

– Mein Vater gab mir eine Abreibung, weil ich zu spät nach Hause gekommen war. (My father gave me a scolding because I came home too late.)

– Der Chef gab seinen Mitarbeitern eine Abreibung, weil sie ihre Aufgaben nicht erfüllt hatten. (The boss gave his employees a reprimand because they didn’t fulfill their tasks.)

2. Etymology: The word “Abreibung” is composed of the prefix “ab-” denoting “off” or “away” and the noun “Reibung” meaning “friction.” The implication is that a scolding or punishment creates friction or discomfort for the person who receives it.

Example sentences:

– Er bekam eine Abreibung für seine schlechte Arbeit. (He received a reprimand for his r work.)

– Sie gab ihm eine Abreibung, weil er zu spät zum Date kam. (She gave him a scolding because he was late for their date.)

3. Cultural significance: In German culture, “Abreibung” is considered a tough love approach to discipline that can be harsh but effective in correcting behavior. It is often ociated with authoritarian parenting or leadership styles and is not considered appropriate in all situations.

Example sentences:

– Mein Lehrer gab mir eine Abreibung, aber ich verstand, warum er so streng war. (My teacher gave me a reprimand, but I understood why he was so strict.)

– Der Trainer gab der Mannschaft eine Abreibung, um sie zu motivieren, besser zu spielen. (The coach gave the team a scolding to motivate them to play better.)

Overall, “Abreibung” is a word that connotes disciplinary action or punishment in German, with a range of connotations depending on the context and culture. Examples sentences show how it can be used in everyday conversations in both German and English.

abreibung 的中文翻译为 “惩罚;打击”,读音为 [ˈapʀaɪ̯çnʊŋ]。


1. Er erhielt eine Abreibung von seinem Vater, weil er zu spät nach Hause gekommen war. (因为回家迟了,他受到了父亲的惩罚。)

2. Der Boxer gab seinem Gegner eine ordentliche Abreibung und gewann den Kampf. (这位拳击手给他的对手狠狠地打击了一顿,最终赢得了比赛。)

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