camada是什么意思 camada的翻译、中文解释

camada是什么意思 camada的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. 表示地质学中的地层(stratum)或者分层(layer);

2. 表示计算机科学中的分层(layer);

3. 表示架构设计中的层次(level);

4. 表示材料学中的层次分析(layer ysis),如表面处理。


1. Esta roca pertenece a una camada de arenisca. (This rock belongs to a layer of sandstone.)

2. El software se divide en varias camadas para facilitar el mantenimiento. (The software is divided into several layers to facilitate maintenance.)

3. Este edificio tiene camadas de paredes exteriores para protegerse del sol. (This building has layers of exterior walls to protect against the sun.)

4. La camada de material cerámico se aplica sobre el metal para mejorar sesistencia al desgaste. (The layer of ceramic material is applied to the metal to improve its wear resistance.)

5. La aplicación de la técnica de camadas en la preparación de materiales compuestos proporciona una mayor resistencia y durabilidad. (The application of layering technique in the preparation of composite materials provides greater strength and durability.)

1. This rock belongs to a layer of sandstone.

2. The software is divided into several layers to facilitate maintenance.

3. This building has layers of exterior walls to protect against the sun.

4. The layer of ceramic material is applied to the metal to improve its wear resistance.

5. The application of layering technique in the preparation of composite materials provides greater strength and durability.


读音:cá mǎ dá


1. 这个问题可以从多个camada来考虑。 (This problem can be considered from multiple levels.)

2. 这个系统有多个camada的保护机制。 (This system has multiple layers of protection mechanisms.)

3. 这个公司的管理camada需要加强沟通。 (The management layers of this company need to improve communication.)

4. 这个研究需要分析不同camada的数据。 (This research needs to yze data from different levels.)

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