barometer是什么意思 barometer的翻译、中文解释

barometer是什么意思 barometer的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



词组搭配:barometer reading(气压测量值)、barometer pressure(气压)




1. The barometer had been falling steadily for the past few days, indicating that a storm was coming. (气压计过去几天一直在下降,表明暴风雨即将来临。)

2. Many people can tell when a storm is coming just by looking at the behavior of animals and their barometers. (许多人可以通过观察动物行为和气压计的变化来判断暴风雨即将来临。)

3. The barometer measures the atmospheric pressure which gives a good indication of upcoming weather patterns. (气压计测量的是大气压力,这对预测天气变化是个很好的指示。)

4. Meteorologists use barometers to gather information about the weather and help predict future weather patterns. (气象学家使用气压计收集关于天气的信息,帮助预测未来的天气模式。)

5. The barometer is a crucial tool for sailors as they need to be aware of the weather conditions when they are out at sea. (气压计对于水手来说是一个至关重要的工具,因为当他们在海上时需要了解天气条件。)

6. The sudden drop in the barometer reading indicated that there was a severe storm on the way. (气压计读数的突然下降表明暴风雨即将到来。)

7. The barometer was invented in the 17th century by Evangelista Torricelli and became an important tool for weather forecasting. (气压计是17世纪由伊万格里斯塔·托里切利发明的,成为气象预测的重要工具。)




1. 气压计被广泛用于天气预报和气象观测。

2. 他用气压计检查了轮胎的气压。

3. 这个地区通常在气压计下降时会出现暴雨。



例句:The decorative crest on top of the Blue Jays head can be a barometer for their mood. (冠蓝鸟的头顶上冠的饰毛是它们心情的晴雨表。)


例句:We can pay off the boat. Plus, some left over for the barometer you wanted to buy for the cabin. (我们可以付清了船款了 另外还有剩余可以买你想要的船舱气压计)


例句:The oldest living things in the world are a record and celebration of our past, a call to action in the present and a barometer of our future. (世界上最古老的现存生物 是对我们过去的记录,是庆祝, 是对现在行动起来的号召 也是我们将来的晴雨表。)


例句:Arthur used the barometer of the USS Eldridge to stop time and escape. (翻译:Arthur用Eldridge军舰的 气压计停止时间逃走了)

barometer一般作为名词使用,如在economic barometer([经] 经济晴雨表, 经济预兆)、elastic barometer(变形[弹性]气压表)、filling barometer(充液气压计)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic barometer [经] 经济晴雨表, 经济预兆 elastic barometer 变形[弹性]气压表 filling barometer 充液气压计 Fortin barometer [化] 福丁气压计 geologic barometer 地质压力计 high barometer [网络] 最高气压;高气压表 holosteric barometer 固体气压表(即空盒气压表) interference barometer 干涉气压计 interferometric barometer 干涉气压计

1. The oldest living things in the world are a record and celebration of our past, a call to action in the present and a barometer of our future. (翻译:世界上最古老的现存生物 是对我们过去的记录,是庆祝, 是对现在行动起来的号召 也是我们将来的晴雨表。)

2. Arthur used the barometer of the USS Eldridge to stop time and escape. (翻译:Arthur用Eldridge军舰的 气压计停止时间逃走了)

3. Advertizing is the product of the development of the commodity economy, and its own progress is the barometer of the prosperity of economy. (翻译:广告是商品经济发展的产物,其发达的程度是经济繁荣的晴雨表。)

4. It is often the case that the car insurers in Singapore count on a guide called BOLA which stands for Barometer of Liability Agreement. (翻译:这是常有的事,汽车保险公司在新加坡指望导游叫打,代表的晴雨表责任协议。)

5. In past presidential elections, Missouri has been a barometer of the rest of the country. (翻译:在过去的总统大选中,密苏里州一直是该国其余各州的晴雨表。)

6. For it is growing more powerfully than any other big nation, and is an important barometer for the rest of the world. (翻译:中国经济增长的力度超过其它任何一个大国,中国经济已成为全球其它地区经济的一个重要晴雨表。)

7. Toni believes it’s here that the team may find a sensitive barometer of the health of the Indian Ocean, one of its rarest animals. (翻译:海牛曾经在印度洋很活跃 但是现在不 渔民的捕杀)

8. When the corners of her mouth went down suddenly like a barometer it usually foretold a fall of crockery and tinware. (翻译:他太太的嘴角突然像气压计下降一样耷拉下来时通常预示着一场碗碟和罐子雨的到来。)

9. How the upcoming Hossain court cases play out in public will be a telling barometer of RAB’s support. (翻译:如何在即将到来的侯赛因法院案件公开播放,将会是一个RAB的支持告诉晴雨表。)

10. The water temperature’s down five degrees and even the barometer’s giving improper readings. (翻译:温度下降了5度… 气压计的读数也很不正常)

11. The oldest living things in the world are a record and celebration of our past, a call to action in the present and a barometer of our future. (翻译:世界上最古老的现存生物 是对我们过去的记录,是庆祝, 是对现在行动起来的号召 也是我们将来的晴雨表。)

12. Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions. (翻译:婴儿死亡率是社会经济状况的可靠指标。)

13. You know, I think a good barometer here when we’re trying to figure out has this been a good time or a bad time in America’s economy is… (翻译:我认为 在我们试图评判 此时对美国经济是好是坏时 最好的标准就是)

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