colossal是什么意思 colossal的翻译、中文解释

colossal是什么意思 colossal的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词性及基本含义:’Colossal’是一个形容词,通常用来形容非常大、巨大的事物。它的基本含义是指规模巨大的、庞大的。

2. 同义词:其他与’Colossal’意思相似的单词包括huge、enormous、gigantic、mive、immense、monstrous等。

3. 派生词:’Colossal’有两个常见派生词,分别是’colossus’和’colossalness’。’Colossus’可以指巨像或巨型建筑,’colossalness’则指庞大、巨大的特性。

4. 用法示例:’Colossal’一词通常用来形容物理上的尺寸、数量或程度。它可以用于形容自然现象、建筑物、机器或动物等。’Colossal’也可以用来形容抽象概念,如功绩、成就或失败等。


1. The colossus of Rhodes was once one of the tallest statues in the world.


2. The company has achieved a colossal amount of success in the last year.


3. The earthquake caused a colossal amount of damage to the city.


4. The machinery required to construct the bridge was colossal in size.


5. The task of organizing the concert was a colossal undertaking but it was executed flawlessly.





1. The building was a colossal structure that dominated the skyline of the city. (这座建筑是一座巨大的结构,支配着城市的天际线。)

2. The company suffered a colossal loss in the stock market. (公司在股市上遭受了巨大的损失。)

3. The amount of work required to complete the project was colossal. (完成这个项目所需的工作量庞大。)



例句:The latest controversy surrounds Ethiopia’s colossal Gibe III dam. (最近的争议围绕着埃塞俄比亚的巨型大坝——Gibe III大坝。)


例句:If it weren’t for your colossal arrogance and stupidity… we wouldn’t be here at all! (如果不是你极为的傲慢和愚蠢… 我们根本就不会在这)


例句:Even by the standards of the subcontinent it was a colossal operation: Indian Railways employs a mere 1. 5m people. (甚至以整个印度次的标准来看,这也是一项庞大的生意:印度铁路也才雇佣近一百五十万人。)


例句:In the W. end was a huge apse, 20m in diameter, where a colossal seated statue of Maxentius stood. (翻译:在西面的尽头是一个巨大的后殿,20米的直径,一个巨大的马克森提站立的雕塑。)

1. Even by the standards of the subcontinent it was a colossal operation: Indian Railways employs a mere 1. 5m people. (翻译:甚至以整个印度次的标准来看,这也是一项庞大的生意:印度铁路也才雇佣近一百五十万人。)

2. In the W. end was a huge apse, 20m in diameter, where a colossal seated statue of Maxentius stood. (翻译:在西面的尽头是一个巨大的后殿,20米的直径,一个巨大的马克森提站立的雕塑。)

3. The insurrection had made of the centre of Paris a sort of inextricable , tortuous, colossal citadel. (翻译:那次的把巴黎的中心地带变成了一种曲折错乱、叫人摸不清道路的巨大寨子。)

4. He does not know his letters, ‘ he said to his cousin. ‘Could you believe in the existence of such a colossal dunce? (翻译:“他不认识字,”他对他的表姐说。“你能相信会有这样的大存在吗?”)

5. The Crab Nebula was produced by the colossal titanic explosion of a star at the end of its life. (翻译:蟹状星云是 诞生于 一颗恒星在生命终结时 所产生的巨大的爆炸.)

6. Troy is now a colossal torch, a sacrificial fire, a burnt-out desert. (翻译:特洛伊现在成了一个巨大的火炬 一团献祭的火,一片烧尽的沙漠)

7. Spanning 2,500 miles across the equatorial region of the Red Planet is a colossal gash in the crust. (翻译:跨越 2500 英里 跨越赤道地区 这颗红色行星的 是一个巨大的口子 在地壳。)

8. INSKEEP: That’s a colossal change. (翻译:那真是巨大的改变。)

9. He spoke with solemnity and his colossal misshapen nose made what he said very quaint. (翻译:他一本正经地说清,他那丑陋的大鼻子使他说的话显得非常古怪。)

10. Look for men in positions of subtle but strategic power but with colossal gaps in their work history. (翻译:在那些不易觉察却战略意义的职位里找人 Look for men in positions of subtle but strategic power 找那些履历有明显的断层的 but with colossal gaps in their work history.)

11. Thanks. So, I hear Mikey’s gonna make you super-colossal. (翻译:-谢谢 -我听说迈基要把你培养成一个大明星)

12. History need not say that the burning of Rome was good but it must say that it was colossal, uncommon. (翻译:历史不必说烧掉罗马是件好事 但一定会说这件事非比寻常)

13. Round and round here went the enormous revolutions of the dark colossal water- wheel , grim with its one immutable purpose . (翻译:那只黑黑的大水车轮转来转去转个不停,象是它有一种不可改变的可怕的意图。)

14. I mean, you know, a colossal wipeout, doesn’t mean that you’re a failure. (翻译:我是指 虽然很失败 但是并不表示你这个人很失败)

15. As spectacular as the moai are for visitors today, you have to imagine being there then, with colossal moai marching around the island. (翻译:今天大家看到这些巨石觉得很壮观, 那想象一下当年的景象, 巨大雕像在岛上行走的样子 岂不更加壮观。)

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