eminently是什么意思 eminently的翻译、中文解释

eminently是什么意思 eminently的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释





1. eminently qualified:非常的有资格

2. eminently qualified candidate:一位极具资质的候选人

3. eminently suitable:特别适合

4. eminently successful:非常成功


1. eminently readable:非常易读

2. eminently clear:非常清晰

3. eminently practical:非常实用

4. eminently sensible:非常明智





1. He is an eminently qualified candidate for the job.


2. She has made an eminently wise decision.


3. The book is eminently readable and accessible to all.




例句:When Google created Places it had an eminently sensible type of crowd-sourcing in mind. (谷歌创建Places之初就有了“群众外包”的概念。)


例句:One simplistic but eminently practical way of measuring progress is with a “percentage complete” metric. (度量进展的一个过分简单但特别实际的方法是利用“完成百分比”作为量度。)


例句:I know it’s hard… but it happens to people like us all the time… and it’s eminently survivable. (我知道你一定难以接受 们这种人常碰到这种事 吓不了人的)


例句:She seems eminently suitable for the job. (翻译:她看来非常适合这个工作。)

1. I know it’s hard… but it happens to people like us all the time… and it’s eminently survivable. (翻译:我知道你一定难以接受 们这种人常碰到这种事 吓不了人的)

2. She seems eminently suitable for the job. (翻译:她看来非常适合这个工作。)

3. Diesel engines also remain torque and eminently drivable under a wide range of real-world conditions. (翻译:柴油发动机也仍然扭矩和突出的驾驶下广泛的真实世界的条件。)

4. I’m here with the eminently reasonable district attorney of the state of Georgia. (翻译:我和以公正闻名的乔治亚州地区检察官在一起)

5. It is responsible discretionexercised in the national interest to prevent unnecessary disclosure of eminently justifiable procedures in which untimely revelation couldseverely impairpublic confidence. (翻译:这是基于国家利益的负责手段 It is responsible discretionexercised in the national interest 意在阻止正当程序 to prevent unnecessary disclosure 不必要的泄露 of eminently justifiable procedures)

6. Since this entire company advanced only a few meters… picking by lot was eminently fair in this case. (翻译:既然整个连都只前进了几米… 抽签来选胆小鬼已是相当公平的了)

7. It is eminently important that man is able to access his inner vision through his mind which rests within what you may understand as soul. (翻译:这非常重要,如此人类能够通过他的思想进入他的内在洞察力——它栖息在你可以理解之为灵魂的内部。)

8. – he is as eminently deserving of a trial as this community is of a sense of resolution! (翻译:- 他就应出庭受审 这是整个社会 共有的意识和决心!)

9. It’s an eminently listenable CD. (翻译:这张CD非常好听。)

10. There is plenty of money in liquor, which is a much safer and eminently more socially acceptable– (翻译:酒的生意很赚钱 它更安全也更容易被社会接受)

11. – And he has an eminently suitable wife. (翻译:And he has an eminently suitable wife.)

12. In an eminently scientific poll of People I Live With, my flatmate agreed that the machine wasn’t going to make anything better. (翻译:我对自己认识的人做了个十分科学的调查——不妨称作《身边人》小报民意调查,我的舍友也同意这种机器不会带来任何改观。)

13. His books on diplomatic history were eminently readable. (翻译:他的研究外交史的著作特别值得一读。)

14. Mrs. Lovett, what a charming notion Eminently practical (翻译:拉芙特太太,多么聪明的点子 总是恰如其分)

15. No, Jupe , no, ” said Mr. Gradgrind, shaking his head in his profoundest and most eminently practical way”. (翻译:“不,朱浦,不,”葛兰格先生带着他那深不可测的,非常实际的态度摇摇头说。)

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