boardwalk是什么意思 boardwalk的翻译、中文解释

boardwalk是什么意思 boardwalk的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词释


2. 用途


3. 作为缩写词的其他含义

Boardwalk也可以作为缩写词,表示“董事会走廊”(Board of Directors Walkway),指公司总部走廊上贴满了公司董事的照片,也是一种表达公司荣誉和价值的方式。


1. 在Boardwalk上散步很舒适,可以享受大海和阳光。

Walking on the Boardwalk is very comfortable, and you can enjoy the sea and the sun.

2. 她在Boardwalk开了一家旅游纪念品店,生意很好。

She opened a souvenir store on the Boardwalk, and business is good.

3. 这个城市的Boardwalk是非常出名的旅游景点。

The Boardwalk in this city is a very famous tourist attraction.

4. 这家公司的办公楼有一个很长的Boardwalk,上面贴着公司所有董事的照片。

The company’s office building has a long Boardwalk with pictures of all the directors.

5. 他们每个月都要召开一次董事会,讨司发展的问题,然后在Boardwalk上散步。

They hold a board meeting every month to discuss the company’s development issues, and then take a walk on the Boardwalk.




1. We took a walk along the boardwalk and watched the sunset over the ocean.(我们沿着木栈道散步,看着太阳落在海面上。)

2. The boardwalk is a popular spot for tourists to take photos and enjoy the beach scenery.(木板路是游客拍照和欣赏海滩风景的热门地点。)

3. The shop owners along the boardwalk sell souvenirs, ice cream, and other beach-themed items.(木栈道沿线的店主出售纪念品、冰淇淋和其他海滩主题商品。)



例句:He was over there on the boardwalk with Elias. (他之前跟以利亚在海滩木板道见过面 {fn微软雅黑b0fs143cH000000shad1}He was over there on the boardwalk with Elias.)


例句:But for over two weeks, we programmed, we went to the Venice boardwalk, my kids got involved, my dog got involved, and we created this. (但过了两个星期后, 我们进行了两星期后, 我们去了威尼斯街, 我的孩子也参与了, 我的狗也参与了, 我们造出了这个。)


例句:And I know that’s worse than any wise guys walking the boardwalk because it isn’t just me that he’s got under his hammer. (我也知道这比欠赌城的钱还糟 因为被他控制的不只是我)


例句:That’s ’cause he up there on that boardwalk disposing himself with the white folk. (翻译:那是因为他在木板路上 跟一帮白人混在一起)

1. And I know that’s worse than any wise guys walking the boardwalk because it isn’t just me that he’s got under his hammer. (翻译:我也知道这比欠赌城的钱还糟 因为被他控制的不只是我)

2. That’s ’cause he up there on that boardwalk disposing himself with the white folk. (翻译:那是因为他在木板路上 跟一帮白人混在一起)

3. There are many places at the beach to play mini golf, go gocart riding, and to walkalong the boardwalk.  (翻译:海滩上有许多地方可以打迷你高尔夫球,开卡丁车,在木板路上散步。)

4. And we had — we zoned it, you know: we put a nightclub, we put a disco where you could dance, and then we had a place where you could fight with guns if you wanted to, and we had another place that was like a boardwalk, kind of a Coney Island. (翻译:然后我们把它分区:我们设了一个 设了一个用来跳舞的迪斯科舞池 然后我们设了一个区域,如果你愿意,就可以在这里进行枪战 还有另外一个像木板路一样的区域,有点类似康尼岛)

5. We walk on the boardwalk 3 miles each day. (翻译:我们每天在木板路上步行3里路。)

6. Hundreds of people jammed the boardwalk to watch. (翻译:上百人挤在木板道上观看。)

7. The boardwalk is one of just a handful of similar ancient structures that exist in the U. K. (翻译:这条木板路与现存于英国的少数古代木板人行道结构类似。)

8. “You can smoke in the parking lot but when you walk over the boardwalk, it’s no smoking,” Leatherman said. (翻译:莱瑟曼博士说:“你可以在停车场吸烟,但是当你在滨海路上漫步的时候,就不允许吸烟了。” )

9. All units, take position on boardwalk. (翻译:所有人员注意 在木板路就位 All units, take position on boardwalk.)

10. Oh, my God, oh, quick, run up to the boardwalk and find a restroom! (翻译:哦,我的上帝,喔,快的, 跑到木板道那边 而且找一个洗手间!)

tony, but i feel vindicated. I can’t get of f the boardwalk. (翻译,东尼 但是我觉得我要为自己辩护一下)

12. chasing’ the factory girls underneath the boardwalk where they all promise to unsnap their jeans. (翻译:追逐在木板路下就可以解开自己牛仔裤的扣子的工厂的女孩们。)

13. You came to see what I’ve done to my grand plan, I’ve torn the boardwalk apart. (翻译:你来到这里,看看我那宏伟的计划进展如何。我已经把木板铺成的道路撕成了碎片。)

14. My first kiss was under this boardwalk. (翻译:我的初吻就是在这木板路下 My first kiss was under this boardwalk.)

15. And we had — we zoned it, you know: we put a nightclub, we put a disco where you could dance, and then we had a place where you could fight with guns if you wanted to, and we had another place that was like a boardwalk, kind of a Coney Island. (翻译:然后我们把它分区:我们设了一个 设了一个用来跳舞的迪斯科舞池 然后我们设了一个区域,如果你愿意,就可以在这里进行枪战 还有另外一个像木板路一样的区域,有点类似康尼岛 )

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