cairn是什么意思 cairn的翻译、中文解释

cairn是什么意思 cairn的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词释:Cairn是指一种用石头堆积而成的人造堆或者石柱,通常被用作引导或者标记行进路线或者标记特定地点的标志物。

2. 词源:Cairn这个词源于苏格兰盖尔语中的“càrn”,意为“堆积的石头”。

3. 常见用法:Cairn通常被用来标记山地路线、远足路线或者其他户外活动的路线。此外,在一些文化中,Cairn也被用作纪念碑或者。

4. 文化意义:Cairn在不同的文化中都具有不同的意义和用途,例如在古代的北欧文化中,Cairn被用作葬礼仪式的重要组成部分。


1. A cairn marked the summit of the mountain. (一个堆石堆标记了山峰的顶部。)

2. The cairn stood as a memorial to those who had lost their lives in the war. (这个石堆是为那些在战争中失去生命的人建造的纪念碑。)

3. The hiker used the cairns to stay on the trail. (这个徒步旅行者用石堆来标记路线。)

4. The cairn was used as an altar for religious ceremonies. (这个石堆被用作仪式的。)

5. The cairn was a symbol of the tribe’s ancestral lands. (这个石堆是部落祖先土地的象征。)



1. Hikers often use cairns to mark their trail in remote areas.


2. The ancient people built cairns to commemorate their ancestors.




例句:Cairn plugged and abandoned both Wells as the summer drilling season ended. (夏季钻探季节结束后,凯恩能源放弃了这两口油井。)


例句:I remember our first meeting, when she was barely a young woman-more a girl, actually- and I saw her on the side of Kelvin’s Cairn. (我记得我们第一次相遇,那时她只是一个年轻的女人——实际上更接近一个小女孩——我在凯恩巨锥的边上看见她。)


例句:On the Kowloon side, the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate’s Cairn Tunnel. (在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。)

4.石堆界标 、以石堆标示山顶或某人埋葬的地点等

例句:To open it, one must stand within the circle of cairn stones and touch them in a certain order. (翻译:要开启它,必须有一个人站在石冢之中,并以特定的顺序触动它们。)

1. On the Kowloon side, the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate’s Cairn Tunnel. (翻译:在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。)

2. To open it, one must stand within the circle of cairn stones and touch them in a certain order. (翻译:要开启它,必须有一个人站在石冢之中,并以特定的顺序触动它们。)

3. Rig 5001 of ZPEB, had drilled two wild cat wells that were located by Cairn Energy PLC on the 15th block of Bangladesh. (翻译:5001钻井队,承钻了英国凯恩能源公司部署在孟加拉国15区块上的两口探井。)

4. Cairn Energy and Tullow Oil of UK decline is more than 5%. (翻译:英国凯恩能源和英国塔洛石油的跌幅也在5%以上。)

5. Journeys may be diverted via Tate ‘s Carin Highway, Siu Lek Yuen Road, and Tate ‘s Cairn Highway depending on traffic condition. (翻译:巴士路线可能因应交通情况而经大老山公路、小沥源道,再经大老山公路。)

6. Together they prevented Cairn’s reckless deep sea oil drilling here in the Arctic for a total of five days. (翻译:他们团结一致,阻止了凯恩能源不计后果,对北极这里深海石油的开采,总共长达5天之久。)

7. A Cairn terrier called Terry played the role of the dog Toto. (翻译:一只叫特里的凯恩梗狗饰演了小狗托托。)

8. Cairn said pre-placing of some shares was a common practice in India ahead of a float, to help in setting the price. (翻译:凯恩能源表示,在印度,公开上市前先行发售部分股票是一种常见做法,它有助于设定公开上市的发行价格。)

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