aude是什么意思 aude的翻译、中文解释

aude是什么意思 aude的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 发音:aude通常发音为/ɔːd/,属于重读音节,第一个音节为长元音。

例句:She ounced the word “aude” correctly.(她正确发音了“aude”这个词。)

2. 缩写词:aude可以作为许多不同的缩写词,如Auditor的缩写,表示“审计师”。

例句:The aude conducted a thorough audit of the company’s financial statements.(审计师对公司的财务报表进行了全面审计。)

3. 意义:aude是法语中的一个单词,意思是“听力”,或者在音乐术语中,表示“听觉的”。

例句:The musician was praised for her aude sense, which allowed her to create beautiful melodies.(这位音乐家因其良好的听觉感知力而受到赞扬,这使她能够创造出美丽的旋律。)

4. 货币单位:aude是法国的一个货币单位,通常缩写为“AUD”。

例句:I’m planning a trip to France, so I need to exchange some dollars for aude.(我计划去法国旅行,因此需要将一些美元兑换成aude。)

5. 地点名称:Aude是法国南部的一个地区,以其葡萄酒和城堡而闻名。

例句:We visited the beautiful vineyards of Aude and tasted some of the best wines in the region.(我们参观了Aude美丽的葡萄园,品尝了该地区最好的葡萄酒。)

aude 的中文翻译为“奥德”或“欧德”,读音为/ɔd/。


1. Aude is a department in the south of France. (奥德是法国南部的一个省份。)

2. The Aude river flows through the city of Carconne. (欧德河流经卡尔卡松城。)



例句:MIT vision scientist Aude Oliva and University of Glasgow researcher Philippe Schyns created this illusion by producing hybrids of two images. (麻省理工的视觉科学家奥德·奥利瓦和格拉斯哥大学的研究员菲利普·许恩斯将两幅图像混合生成了上面这一组错觉图片。左边是狂暴博士,右边的是镇静先生。)


例句:There hasn’t been a single incident of the disease in iceland since Aude died, apart from my daughter, kola. (你说什么携带者? 奥黛从你身上遗传了这种病 我也遗传了这种病)


例句:Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase ‘sapere aude’ or ‘dare to know’. (这些探索知识并且理解已知信息的行为可以用拉丁文‘Sapere aude’或英文‘dare to know’描述。)

aude一般作为名词使用,如在sapere aude([网络] 敢于思考;沙砾于飞;敢做聪明的人)等常见短语中出现较多。

sapere aude [网络] 敢于思考;沙砾于飞;敢做聪明的人

1. Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase ‘sapere aude’ or ‘dare to know’. (翻译:这些探索知识并且理解已知信息的行为可以用拉丁文‘Sapere aude’或英文‘dare to know’描述。)

2. The second thing can be summed up by the Latin phrase that Kant took as the motto for the Enlightenment: “Sapere aude,” or “dare to know.” (翻译:第二,则能用一句拉丁文总结, 康德视之为启蒙时期的座右铭, "Sapere aude", 或是"勇于求知", )

3. These pictures were designed and developed by Mr. PhillippeG. Schyns and Aude Oliva of The University of Glasgow. (翻译:这是格拉斯哥大学的菲利普先生和奥利维先生设计的奇异图片。)

4. These pictures were designed and developed by Mr. Phillippe G. Schyns and Aude Oliva of The University of Glasgow. (翻译:这是格拉斯哥大学的菲利普先生和奥利维先生设计的奇异图片。)

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