1. FSF (Free Software Foundation):自由软件基金会,致力于推广自由软件的理念和技术。
2. FSF (Folk School Federation):民间学校联盟,多个国家的民间教育机构组成的国际组织。
3. FSF (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints):后期圣徒教原教旨主义教派,以多妻制和严格的教规著称。
4. FSF (Federation of Somali Fighters):索马里武装组织,曾经在索马里南部地区占据领土,后被力量打击。
5. FSF (Fédération des Scouts du Gabon):加蓬童子军联合会,负责组织和管理加蓬的童子军运动。
6. FSF (Front Solidarité Féminine):摩洛哥的一个慈善组织,旨在帮助贫困妇女和儿童。
7. FSF (Flintshire Students Federation):英国威尔士弗林特郡的学生组织,代表当地高中和大学学生的利益。
1. The FSF is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and defending free software.(自由软件基金会是一个致力于推广和保护自由软件的非营利组织。)
2. The FSF coordinates and strengthens the work of folk schools around the world.(民间学校联盟协调和加强了世界各地民间学校的工作。)
3. The FSF is a controversial religious group known for its strict doctrines and practices.(教原教旨主义教派FSF以其严格的教义和实践而闻名,备受争议。)
4. The FSF was a powerful armed group in southern Somalia, but it has been weakened by UN forces.(索马里南部的武装组织FSF曾经势力强大,但已经被削弱。)
5. The FSF trains young people in Gabon to become responsible and active citizens.(加蓬童子军联合会培训年轻人成为负责任和积极参与的公民。)
6. The FSF provides education, healthcare, and job training to women and children in Morocco.(摩洛哥的慈善组织FSF为妇女和儿童提供教育、医疗和职业培训。)
7. The FSF represents the interests of high school and college students in Flintshire.(弗林特郡学生联合会代表当地高中和大学学生的利益。)
目前没有 fsf 的通用意思或翻译。可能是某个特定领域或群体使用的缩写或代号,需要更多上下文来解释其含义。
例句:The FSF accepts donations, but most of its income has always come from sales–of copies of free software, and of other related services. (FSF接受捐款,但是其大部分收入常常来自销售–自由软件的拷贝,其它相关的服务。)
例句:Brian and the FSF trusted me with the program’s future. (布赖恩和FSF把这个程序托给我管理。)
例句:The FSF sidesteps several trickier issues. (FSF则回避了一些更棘手的问题。)
例句:The FSF has a penchant for puns, and this one seemed appropriate, I suppose. The name predates my involvement. (翻译:自由软件基金会对双关语有强烈嗜好,而且我以为,这一个看来好象是相称的。这一名字早在我参与之前就有。)
1. The FSF sidesteps several trickier issues. (翻译:FSF则回避了一些更棘手的问题。)
2. The FSF has a penchant for puns, and this one seemed appropriate, I suppose. The name predates my involvement. (翻译:自由软件基金会对双关语有强烈嗜好,而且我以为,这一个看来好象是相称的。这一名字早在我参与之前就有。)
3. The Representative went on to say that FSF Europe was also strongly in favor of protecting the public domain from re- privatization . (翻译:该代表接着说,FSF欧洲分会也强烈赞成保护公有领域,不要使之重新私有化。)
4. If they do not, the FSF warns that “a more prescriptive approach . . . may prove necessary” . (翻译:金融稳定论坛警告称,如果银行不这样做,“也许就意味着有必要……采取更具强制性的做法”。)
5. The FSF wasn’t looking for money. (翻译:FSF的目的并不是为了钱。)
6. In that way, the FSF is trying to ensure that users have broad patent rights with respect to any modified GPL-governed code. (翻译:通过这种方式,FSF试图确保用户拥有任何已被修改的GPL监管代码的广泛专利版权。)