adelphi是什么意思 英文名adelphi的翻译、发音、来源

adelphi是什么意思 英文名adelphi的翻译、发音、来源

‘Adelphi’是一个单词,这个词通常用作地名,表示「阿德尔菲(一个位于伦敦的街区)」。它的词性为名词。它可以作为名词短语”the Adelphi”出现,表示指阿德尔菲街区。在发音方面,它的读音为 /əˈdɛlfi/。


1. The Adelphi is a bustling and lively area in central London.(阿德尔菲地区是伦敦市中心一个繁华且充满生机的地区。)

2. The Adelphi was originally a grand terrace of townhouses built in the late 18th century.(阿德尔菲原来是18世纪后期建造的一排宏伟的联排别墅。)

3. The Adelphi Theatre is a historic West End theatre in London.(阿德尔菲剧院是伦敦历史悠久的西区剧院。)

4. The Adelphi Building is a modern office complex located in the heart of the City of London.(阿德尔菲大厦是位于伦敦市中心的现代化办公大楼。)

5. The Adelphi is home to many art galleries, theaters, and restaurants.(阿德尔菲地区有许多艺术画廊、剧院和餐厅。)

6. The Adelphi Hotel is a historic hotel located in Liverl, England.(阿德尔菲酒店是位于英格兰利物浦的历史悠久的酒店。)

7. The Adelphi Garden is a beautiful public garden located in Sheffield, England.(阿德尔菲公园是位于英格兰谢菲尔德的美丽公共花园。)




1. The adelphi of this company is located in New York City.


2. The adelphi of the alumni ociation is a group of former students from Harvard University.


3. The name ‘adelphi’ comes from the Greek word meaning ‘brothers’ or ‘siblings’.




例句:A subsidiary, Istithmar, owns three landmark London office buildings, including the Adelphi near the Strand. (迪拜世界子公司,伊迪丝·马尔,在伦敦拥有三栋具有标志性的办公楼,其中包括斯特兰德附近的阿德非。)


例句:A subsidiary, Istithmar, owns three landmark London office buildings, including the Adelphi near the Strand. (迪拜世界子公司,伊迪丝马尔,在伦敦拥有三栋具有标志性的办公楼,其中包括斯特兰德附近的阿德非。)


例句:What can you tell us about the Adelphi Apothecary on Pacific Avenue? (和我们说说在阿德尔菲Pacific街上的那个药店)


例句:When we come back to Bangkok, we’ll stay at the Adelphi Suites! (翻译:我再次回来曼谷的时候还会选择阿德尔菲套房酒店!)

1. What can you tell us about the Adelphi Apothecary on Pacific Avenue? (翻译:和我们说说在阿德尔菲Pacific街上的那个药店)

2. When we come back to Bangkok, we’ll stay at the Adelphi Suites! (翻译:我再次回来曼谷的时候还会选择阿德尔菲套房酒店!)

3. Adelphi Paper 310, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1997, p. 15. (翻译:阿德尔菲纸310,国际战略研究所,xx年,第15页。)

4. Could you get me London Adelphi 4-2-4-3, please? (翻译:喂。请问能不能给我接通 伦敦阿德尔菲4一2一4一3分机?)

5. Oh, Puck, there’s a message left for you at the switchboard. It’s Adelphi 4-2-4-3. (翻译:柏克, 切换面板有你的信息 是阿德尔菲4一2一4一3。)

6. Outside the Adelphi in London waited all the afternoon to get in. (翻译:他在伦敦的阿德尔菲剧场外面足足等了一个下午才进去的。)

7. The National Archives at College Park, MD, is located at 8601 Adelphi Road. (翻译:马里兰州大学园区国家档案馆分馆位于艾德菲路8601。)

8. Better make it the lobby of the Adelphi theatre in 20 minutes. (翻译:我们最好在20分钟后在 特尔斐剧院的走廊见面)

9. My name is Alice and graduated from Adelphi University in 2001 in New York. (翻译:我叫爱丽丝,在xx年毕业于纽约亚德菲大学,主修绘图美术设计。)

10. It was Adelphi’s policy that where possible components and supplies for the new building were sourced locally. (翻译:这是阿德菲的政策,如果可能的组成部分和新的建筑用品在当地采购。)

11. Adelphi University, an ELS Host Institution, is indeed accepting Spring 2010 MBA students. (翻译:艾德菲大学是一个举办ELS的机构,并且确实正在招收xx年春季的工商管理硕士。)

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