aclu是什么意思 aclu的翻译、中文解释

aclu是什么意思 aclu的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 定义和起源

ACLU是“美国公民自由联盟”的缩写,全称为American Civil Liberties Union。该组织成立于xx年,是美国最具影响力的民权组织之一。它致力于维护宪法权利和自由,包括自由、、权利平等、少数群体权益保护等方面。


– ACLU has a long history of defending civil liberties and fighting for social justice in America.(美国公民自由联盟在美国长期捍卫公民自由并为社会正义而战。)

– The ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of the refugee families separated at the US-Mexico border. (美国公民自由联盟代表在美国和墨西哥边境被分离的难民家庭提起诉讼。)

2. 活动和成就



– ACLU is leading the charge for civil rights and liberties in the Trump era.(美国公民自由联盟在时代引领保卫公民权利和自由的工作。)

– ACLU played a major role in the landmark Supreme Court case that legalized same- marriage nationwide.(美国公民自由联盟在标志性的最高法院案件中发挥了重要作用,使同性婚姻在全国范围内合法化。)

3. 批评和争议



– Some people criticize ACLU for being too focused on individual rights and failing to address broader social issues.(一些人批评美国公民自由联盟过于关注个利而忽略更广泛的社会问题。)

– Others accuse ACLU of defending hate speech and enabling white supremacists.(其他人指责美国公民自由联盟为仇恨言论辩护并支持白人至上主义者。)





1. The ACLU has been at the forefront of defending civil liberties for over 100 years.


2. The ACLU is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the civil liberties of all Americans.




例句:But I wanted the ACLU to engage these issues in a much bigger way, in a way that could really make a difference. (但是我希望 ACLU 能够在 更高的层面参与这些问题。以一种能真正做出改变的方式。)


例句:You’ve handled First Amendment cases, labor cases, you worked hand-in-glove with the ACLU… (你处理过宪法第一修正案的案件 {fn方正黑体简体fs18b1bord1shad13cH2F2F2F}ACLU 美国公民自由协会 劳工案件 还跟ACLU密切合作过)


例句:” The executive director of the ACLU of Florida, Howard Simon, characterized the state’s attempt to recall the plate as ” absurd. (该机构在佛州的执行主任霍瓦德·西蒙将州企图收回车牌视作“荒谬”的。)

1. ” The executive director of the ACLU of Florida, Howard Simon, characterized the state’s attempt to recall the plate as ” absurd. (翻译:该机构在佛州的执行主任霍瓦德·西蒙将州企图收回车牌视作“荒谬”的。)

2. We used to do pro bono work for the aclu (翻译:我们之前曾经一起给美国公民自由协会 We used to do pro bono work for the ACLU)

3. The ACLU said that the newly released government transcripts “provide further evidence of brutal torture” by the CIA. (翻译:美国公民自由联盟声称,新公开的记录“提供了更多中情局野蛮拷打在押人员的证据”。)

4. I wrote two letters to the ACLU because I didn’t get my due allotted time at a town council meeting. (翻译:我写了两封信给ACLU 应为我还没拿到我该被分配到的时间 在一个政务会的会议上)

5. Now, art used to provide me with a necessary break from the hurly-burly of politics in my daily work at the ACLU, but not anymore. (翻译:我在美国民权同盟的日常工作中 所面对的喧嚣躁动的之外, 艺术总能给我带来一些必要的休息, 但是现在却再也不能了。)

6. Chris had been at the ACLU for more than 30 years, so he had deep institutional knowledge and insights. (翻译:克里斯在 ACLU 供职三十多年了, 他对机构有深刻的了解和想法。)

7. The ACLU’s next target is a comprehensive and still largely secret internal CIA report written in 2004 by John Helgerson, then the agency’s inspector-general. (翻译:美国公民权联盟的下一个目标是一份全面的并且仍然是告诉机密的中情局内部报告,该报告于xx年由中情局的检察长John Helgerson起草。)

8. Recall the public-knowledge trajectory an organization like the ACLU had to follow in the past. (翻译:记得,ACLU这样的组织必须遵循公共知识分子的轨迹。)

9. ACLU representatives joined the protest downtown, where there were more arrests. (翻译:以此来加强对共和党智囊团的限制 美国公民自由协会的代表们 也参加了这次行动 行动中,越来越多的人遭到逮捕)

10. This is textbook racial profiling… and I’d be more than happy to call the ACLU or the government… (翻译:这是典型的种族脸谱化 我很乐意给美国公民自由协会或打个电话…)

11. These days, the ACLU is on the front lines 24/7, and even if I manage to sneak away for a couple of miles on the treadmill, any cardio benefit I get is instantly obliterated when I read another presidential tweet on the headline scroll. (翻译:现在,美国民权同盟时刻处在最前线, 即使我能抽出时间 在跑步机上跑上几英里, 当我在头版上 又看到一条总统的推特时, 有氧运动带来的好处 马上就被抵消掉了。)

12. There’s nothing I can do about them. The ACLU says they have a right to stand there. (翻译:我拿他们没办法,协会 说他们有权在那里)

13. – Well, I wrote a letter to the federal attorney general, the ACLU, the state attorney general, and the River Reporter. (翻译:好,我已经给联邦律政司写过信了 同事也写给了ACLU的州检察长 和 River的记者)

14. Of course, we’re happy that the EFF and the ACLU are behind us. (翻译:我们很高兴有电子前哨基金会 和美国公民自由协会的支持)

15. And no card-carrying member of the ACLU is more dead set against it than I am. (翻译:而我身为美国公合会会员 我强力反对派兵进驻纽约)

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