1. 词汇意义:applicable是形容词,指适用的、适宜的、可应用的。
2. 用法:applicable通常修饰名词或名词短语,并作定语或表语。
3. 同义词:适用(suitable)、适当(appropriate)、合适(apt)、相适应(corresponding)、适用性(applicability)。
4. 反义词:不适用(inapplicable)。
1. This patent is not applicable to our company’s products.(这个专利不适用于我们公司的产品。)
2. The rules applicable to the international competition have been revised.(适用于国际比赛的规则已经修订。)
3. The law is applicable to all citizens regardless of race or gender.(该法律适用于所有公民,无论种族或性别。)
4. The principle of “one size fits all” may not be applicable to every situation.(“一刀切”原则可能不适用于每种情况。)
5. The advice given by the expert is only applicable to a certain extent.(专家提供的建议只有在一定程度上适用。)
– This law is not applicable to foreigners. 这个法律不适用于外国人。
– The same principles are applicable to all situations. 相同的原则适用于任何情况。
– His ideas are not applicable in this case. 他的想法在这种情况下不适用。