apparatchik是什么意思 apparatchik的翻译、中文解释

apparatchik是什么意思 apparatchik的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 官僚体系相关:


– The company is run by a bunch of apparatchiks who refuse to listen to new ideas. (这家公司由一堆不愿倾听新思想的官僚管理。)

– The apparatchiks in the government have been accused of corruption and nepotism. (中的官僚被指控存在和裙带关系。)

2. 意涵相关:


– The apparatchik politicians in Washington only care about winning their next election. (的家只关心赢得下一次选举。)

– The apparatchiks in charge of the party’s propaganda have been spreading misinformation. (负责党的宣传的官僚在散布错误信息。)

3. 俄罗斯历史上的相关性:


– During the Soviet era, the apparatchiks held all the power in the government. (在苏联时期,官僚掌握了中所有的权力。)

– The apparatchiks who ran the KGB were some of the most powerful figures in Soviet society. (运营KGB的官僚是苏联社会中最有权势的人物之一。)

4. 社会阶层相关性:


– The apparatchiks in the ruling cl are completely disconnected from the people they govern. (统治阶层中的官僚与他们统治的完全脱离。)

– The apparatchiks in the upper echelons of society are determined to maintain their power and privilege. (社会上层的官僚决心维护他们的权力和特权。)




1. He was accused of being an apparatchik who followed orders without thinking for himself.(他被指责为一名机械地听从命令、从不思考的党务工作者。)

2. The government bureaucracy is dominated by apparatchiks who are more concerned with maintaining power than with serving the people.(官僚机构由更关注维护权力而非服务的官僚所主导。)



例句:But as a mere mortal and lifelong apparatchik born in 1950, she might struggle. (但xx年出生的奥布里只是个凡夫俗子,毕生都在做官,她可能胜算不大。)


例句:After Mao’s death in 1976, Hua Guofeng a colorless apparatchik from Hunan, succeeded him as party chairman. Hua died last week in Beijing. (xx年去世后,来自湖南省的中间派锋继任,华于上周在北京逝世。)


例句:Can it be that genius doctor is afraid to take on a silly government apparatchik? (会不会是天才医生害怕面对 小小的官僚呢)

4.组织的成员 、千锤百链的

例句:Dressed in sweatpants, he does not look the strait-laced apparatchik, nor is his office typical of a Chinese businessman’s. (翻译:黄怒波身着运动裤,看上去不像一丝不苟的党官员,而他的办公室也不是典型的中国商人的办公室。)

1. Can it be that genius doctor is afraid to take on a silly government apparatchik? (翻译:会不会是天才医生害怕面对 小小的官僚呢)

2. Dressed in sweatpants, he does not look the strait-laced apparatchik, nor is his office typical of a Chinese businessman’s. (翻译:黄怒波身着运动裤,看上去不像一丝不苟的党官员,而他的办公室也不是典型的中国商人的办公室。)

3. “We need a united society, ” the apparatchik goes on, and to achieve that end, “we need a united textbook” . (翻译:“我们需要一个统一的社会,”这位党政官员继续说道,为了达到目的,“我们需要统一的历史书。”)

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