fanatics是什么意思 fanatics的翻译、中文解释

fanatics是什么意思 fanatics的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 定义:’fanatics’是指对某种信仰、想法或追求有过度热情、狂热的人。这种热情往往超出了普通人的理解范围。

2. 负面影响: 狂热者常常不顾一切地追随自己的信仰或想法,甚至可能引发暴力行为或危及自身安全。

3. 不同领域中的狂热者:除了、和体育领域中的狂热者外,还包括音乐、明星、游戏等领域中的狂热者。

4. 狂热者的批判: 狂热者经常受到批评,因为他们可能不理智地看待事物,削弱了对真正问题的关注。


1. She’s a fitness fanatic and goes to the gym every day.(她是狂热的健身爱好者,每天都去健身房。)

2. Some sports fanatics will travel around the country just to watch their favorite team play.(有些体育狂热者会为了看自己喜欢的球队比赛而周游全国。)

3. Religious fanatics often believe that their way of thinking is the only correct way.(狂热者通常认为他们的思维方式是唯一正确的方式。)

4. Political fanatics can become so extreme that they are willing to harm others to achieve their goals.(狂热者可能变得极端,甚至愿意伤害他人以实现他们的目标。)

5. Online gaming fanatics often spend hours a day playing games, to the detriment of their real-life responsibilities.(在线游戏狂热者经常每天花数小时玩游戏,损害了他们的现实责任。)





1. He was a religious fanatic who believed that everyone who didn’t share his beliefs was going to hell. (他是一个狂热者,认为所有不信仰与他相同的人都会下地狱。)

2. The football fans were fanatic about their team and would do anything to see them win. (足球迷们对自己的队伍非常狂热,为了看他们获胜不惜一切。)



例句:Luxury goods fanatics will be saddened to hear that only two models of the device are available. (让奢侈爱好者伤心的是,这部纪念版的iPad2只发售2部。)


例句:This wanton destruction of property by a few fanatics worried many American leaders and it enraged the British. (少数狂热份子无理性的财物使得许多美国领袖担忧,也触怒了英国人。)


例句:Mac fanatics, she wrote, think Apple’s technology can improve humanity. (她写道,Mac的狂热分子认为,苹果的技术能提高人性。)

1. Mac fanatics, she wrote, think Apple’s technology can improve humanity. (翻译:她写道,Mac的狂热分子认为,苹果的技术能提高人性。)

2. My parents were fanatics about learning, and I’ll come back to that a little bit later. (翻译:我的父母对学习十分着迷, 过一会儿,我会再回到这点继续讲述。)

3. We have no intention of ignoring or appeasing history’s latest gang of fanatics trying to murder their way to power. (翻译:对历史上最近发生的一群狂热分子企图以来夺权的事,我们不会退缩容忍。)

4. But the aggressor was not a state; it was a band of freelance fanatics protected by a state. (翻译:然而,侵略者并不是一个国家,它是一个受国家保护的自由狂热组织。)

5. Well,they happen to be right about this. I don’t know,Dean. (翻译:我想你说过他们是一群狂 {cHFFFFFF}{3cH111111}{4cH111111}I thought you said they were a bunch of fanatics.)

6. That was pretty unnecessary. (翻译:of a handful of completely insane fanatics…)

7. (narrator) To many Americans, at the end of their great advance across the Pacific, it now seemed that the animals, the faceless fanatics eager to die for their emperor, were human beings like themselves. (翻译:对许多美国人来说, 在他们横跨太平洋的伟大征程的尽头, 现在似乎那些野兽,那些渴望为他们 的天皇而死的没有脸的狂热分子,)

8. To them, we’re just screaming fanatics, fighting each other. (翻译:他们认为我们都是狂热分子 一辈子都在互相残杀)

9. What are you going to do about these fanatics in the desert? (翻译:你准备怎么对付 what are you going to do 沙漠里那帮信徒? about these fanatics in the desert?)

10. I have no love for these fanatics, but what can a Queen Mother do? (翻译:我也很不喜欢那些狂热分子 但作为太后也无能为力)

11. Fucking Brazil is full of mindless fanatics, obsessed with soccer and motor-racing. (翻译:大家都知道巴西是一个遍地愚蠢偏激份子的烂地方 他们感兴趣的只有足球跟赛车)

12. Fucking religious fanatics! (翻译:去他的religious fanatics!)

13. Speaking of, uh, misguided fanatics, Heidi gave it up. (翻译:媒体已经把Margot Preston 批得体无完肤了 多亏了你啊)

14. It’s only an excuse for some fanatics to stir up the desperate and gain a name for themselves. (翻译:只是一些狂热分子用来蛊惑绝望的人们 从而争名夺利的借口)

15. Can’t allow fanatics to arrest the Queen’s brother, no matter his perversions. (翻译:我们不能让狂热分子逮捕王后的哥哥 不管他如何)


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