acidosis是什么意思 acidosis的翻译、中文解释

acidosis是什么意思 acidosis的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



词组搭配:metabolic acidosis(代谢性酸中毒)、respiratory acidosis(呼吸性酸中毒)




1. Chronic renal failure is the most common cause of metabolic acidosis. (慢性肾功能衰竭是代谢性酸中毒最常见的原因。)

2. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious complication of diabetes that leads to acidosis. (糖尿病酮症酸中毒是糖尿病的严重并发症。)

3. Respiratory acidosis can be caused by lung diseases or mechanical ventilation. (呼吸性酸中毒可以由肺部疾病或机械通气引起。)

4. Mild acidosis can cause symptoms such as fatigue and headaches, while severe acidosis can lead to shock and organ failure. (轻度酸中毒可以引起疲劳和头痛等症状,而严重酸中毒则可能导致休克和器官功能衰竭。)

5. Acidosis can be treated by correcting the underlying cause and administering fluids and electrolytes. (酸中毒可以通过纠正潜在原因并给予液体和电解质治疗来治疗。)


读音:ài dú sī sī


1. 酸中毒是一种身体酸碱平衡失调的问题。

Acidosis is a problem of imbalance in the body’s acid-base balance.

2. 缺氧和酸中毒是导致心血管系统紊乱的两个主要因素。

Hypoxia and acidosis are the two major factors that lead to cardiovascular system disorders.



例句:Like for may initiate the alkone sickness acidosis not promptly regarding the serious hyperglycemia in the insulin treatment. (对于严重的高血糖如不及时给于胰岛素治疗可以引发酮症酸中毒。)


例句:Naturally he has acidosis. His blood pH was nine points off normal. (通常情况下,他有酸毒症 他的血液ph值 是超出正常情况的9)


例句:The doctor’s report says Santiago died of asphyxiation… brought on by acute lactic acidosis… and that the nature of the acidosis strongly suggests poison. (医检报告说圣地亚哥死于窒息… 是因为急性乳酸中毒… 而这种症状很容易让人联想到是人为的)


例句:Conclusion the incidence of ROP and gestational age, birth weight, oxygen, mother pregnancy complications, acidosis, apnea, PO2 changes and infection, mechanical ventilation and other factors. (翻译:结论ROP的发生和吸氧、出生体重、孕周、呼吸暂停、酸中毒、机械通气、PO2变化及感染、母亲妊娠并发症等因素有关。)

acidosis一般作为名词使用,如在gaseous acidosis([医] 气性酸中毒, 二氧化碳性酸中毒)、hypercapnic acidosis(高血碳酸性酸血症)、hyperchloremic acidosis(高氯血症酸中毒)等常见短语中出现较多。

gaseous acidosis [医] 气性酸中毒, 二氧化碳性酸中毒 hypercapnic acidosis 高血碳酸性酸血症 hyperchloremic acidosis 高氯血症酸中毒 hyperkalemic acidosis 高钾血酸中毒症, 高血钾酸中毒 hypoxic acidosis 低氧性酸中毒 lactic acidosis 乳酸性酸中毒 mesentery acidosis 代谢性酸毒症 metabolic acidosis [化] 代谢性酸中毒 mixed acidosis 混合型酸中毒

1. The doctor’s report says Santiago died of asphyxiation… brought on by acute lactic acidosis… and that the nature of the acidosis strongly suggests poison. (翻译:医检报告说圣地亚哥死于窒息… 是因为急性乳酸中毒… 而这种症状很容易让人联想到是人为的)

2. Conclusion the incidence of ROP and gestational age, birth weight, oxygen, mother pregnancy complications, acidosis, apnea, PO2 changes and infection, mechanical ventilation and other factors. (翻译:结论ROP的发生和吸氧、出生体重、孕周、呼吸暂停、酸中毒、机械通气、PO2变化及感染、母亲妊娠并发症等因素有关。)

3. I could not make sense of it until I learned that sheriff Willis was diabetic and often suffered from acidosis. (翻译:我一直到了知道威利斯警官 患有糖尿病 还有他曾经犯过酸血症后才想通)

4. What would you do for a patient with reduced cardiac output, hypotension, sinus tach and metabolic acidosis? (翻译:当病人心排血量减少 你该怎么办 低血压 心动过速)

5. CRRT can also correct various forms of acidosis. (翻译:CRRT也可以纠正不同类型的酸中毒。)

6. The severity acidosis and the obviously increasing level of serum Cr may be important clues for discovering DEG toxics at the early stage. (翻译:早期出现的严重酸中毒和继而出现的血清Cr显着升高是早期发现DEG中毒的重要线索。)

7. So she doesn’t have anoxia, chronic renal failure, or acidosis . (翻译:那么她没有缺氧症, 慢性肾衰竭, 或者酸毒症。)

8. Conclusion Metabolic acidosis with respiratory acidosis was most common in neonates in NICU. (翻译:结论NICU中新生儿以代谢性酸中毒合并呼吸性酸中毒为最多见。)

9. Conclusion Metabolic acidosis as a result of higher protein intake does not detrimentally affect nutritional status. (翻译:结论由于高蛋白膳食摄入增加导致的代谢性酸中毒在中短期对患者综合营养状态无明显负性影响。)

10. Conclusion PROM, hypoxemia, acidosis, hypocarbia and PVE are high risk factors of PVL. (翻译:结论PROM、低氧血症、酸中毒、低碳酸血症、PVE为早产儿PVL的高危因素。)

11. However, the patient expired after a few days due to persistent metabolic acidosis and multiple organ failure. (翻译:然而,这位病人几天后因持续的代谢性酸中毒及多发官衰竭逝世。)

12. Reduce acidosis and relieve arthritis, fibromyalgia and rheumatism pains with the alkalizing effects of lemon juice (翻译:碱性的柠檬汁可以缓解酸中毒和减轻关节炎,纤维肌痛和风湿病。)

13. Severe hyperosmolar metabolic acidosis due to a large dose of intravenous lorazepam . (翻译:静脉大剂量西泮引起严重的高渗性代谢性酸中毒。)

14. Diagnosis and management of ketonemia and ketonemia acidosis complicated with gestational diabetes mellitus (翻译:妊娠糖尿病并发酮症及酮症酸中毒的诊断与处理)

15. Commander, is it possible for a person to have an affliction- some sort of condition- which might speed up the process of acidosis? (翻译:中校,如果有人患了某种病 — 在某种情形下)

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