batea是什么意思 batea的翻译、中文解释

batea是什么意思 batea的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



1. Los mineros usaban la batea para buscar oro en los ríos. (矿工们用盘子在河里寻找金子。)

2. La batea es útil para mezclar y amasar ingredientes en la cocina. (盘子在厨房里是用来混合和揉面的实用工具。)

3. Los niños construyeron barcos de papel y los pusieron a navegar en la batea con agua. (孩子们做了纸船,把它们放在盘子里的水中航行。)



例句:Either they get into a frightful bate or start blubbing. (Either into a bate or blubbing.)


例句:Meeting crustaceous way is “bate” skin. (对付硬皮的办法就是“软化”皮肤。)


例句:Bate always wondered if he could turn his idea into reality, but never did anything about it until he lost his job. (贝特总是想知道是否能把他的想法转变为现实,但直到他失去工作也没做任何事情。)


例句:maintain wet effect fine: From elite of natural fruit extraction, can effective bate is corneous , make the skin more lubricant. (翻译:保湿效果佳:从天然水果萃取精华,能有效软化角质,使皮肤更润滑。)

1. Bate always wondered if he could turn his idea into reality, but never did anything about it until he lost his job. (翻译:贝特总是想知道是否能把他的想法转变为现实,但直到他失去工作也没做任何事情。)

2. maintain wet effect fine: From elite of natural fruit extraction, can effective bate is corneous , make the skin more lubricant. (翻译:保湿效果佳:从天然水果萃取精华,能有效软化角质,使皮肤更润滑。)

3. Mr Harris and Mrs Bate and three other teachers were there. (翻译:老师、贝特老师和其他三位老师在场。)

4. Also the prime key technologies, com bate mode and the developmental course of the naval EM gun have been introduced. (翻译:介绍了舰载电磁炮的关键技术、作战模式和发展进程。)

5. We won’t have Legrottaglie, which is a pity, because he’s playing very well and also against Bate he was one of the best. (翻译:目前我们缺少了莱罗塔列,这非常遗憾,这个赛季他表现的很好,和巴特博里索夫的比赛他是表现的最好的球员之一。)

6. Furthermore, to promote extensive application of the model, database of EHF factors and model bate of computer software were established. (翻译:为推广应用该模型,作者还建立了与EHF流行因素有关的数据库及模型库软件系统。)

7. The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. (翻译:那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。)

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