disadvantages是什么意思 disadvantages的翻译、中文解释

disadvantages是什么意思 disadvantages的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. advantages and disadvantages:优缺点

2. outweigh the disadvantages:优势大于劣势

3. suffer from the disadvantages:承受劣势

4. eliminate the disadvantages:消除缺点

5. list the disadvantages:列出缺点

6. a disadvantage of:…的缺点

7. the disadvantages of doing something:做某事的缺点



1. One of the disadvantages of living in a big city is the high cost of living.(住在大城市的一个缺点是高昂的生活成本。)

2. The disadvantages of this product are outweighed by its benefits.(这个产品的缺点被其好处所抵消了。)

3. We need to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of this plan.(我们需要考虑此计划的优点和缺点。)

4. The main disadvantage of working from home is the lack of interaction with colleagues.(的主要缺点是缺少与同事的互动。)

5. One disadvantage of the new system is that it is difficult to use for those who are not tech-savvy.(新系统的一个缺点是对于不懂科技的人来说难以使用。)


1. 生活在大城市的一个缺点是高昂的生活成本。

2. 这个产品的缺点被其好处所抵消了。

3. 我们需要考虑此计划的优点和缺点。

4. 的主要缺点是缺少与同事的互动。

5. 新系统的一个缺点是对于不懂科技的人来说难以使用。

6. 这个方案的缺点是时间成本过高。

7. 使用这种材料的一个缺点是易损坏。




1. One of the disadvantages of living in a big city is the high cost of living.(生活在大城市的一个缺点是高昂的生活成本。)

2. The main disadvantage of this product is its short lifespan.(这种产品的主要缺点是寿命短。)

3. There are some disadvantages to working from home, such as isolation and distractions.(有一些缺点,比如孤独和分心。)



例句:Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the QWERTY-tape keyboard and the Dvorak-type keyboard. (描述QWERTY键盘,键盘和德沃夏克磁带式键盘的优点和缺点。)


例句:Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages of soilless culture? (请结合实际谈谈无土栽培有什么优点和缺点。)


例句:The first G-men worked under staggering disadvantages. ([G号特工: 最初的G号特工在非常不利的情况下工作)


例句:In order to avoid the disadvantages of the existing BRB, a new type of BRB with gap and protuberance was invented. (翻译:为了避免常规屈曲约束支撑存在的上述缺陷,自主研制开发了一种带有缝隙和防滑凸起的新型屈曲约束支撑。)

1. The first G-men worked under staggering disadvantages. (翻译:[G号特工: 最初的G号特工在非常不利的情况下工作)

2. In order to avoid the disadvantages of the existing BRB, a new type of BRB with gap and protuberance was invented. (翻译:为了避免常规屈曲约束支撑存在的上述缺陷,自主研制开发了一种带有缝隙和防滑凸起的新型屈曲约束支撑。)

3. And that’s one of the disadvantages, these reactors are not designed to be big but are suitable for highly efficient electric production. (翻译:那是缺点之一,这些反应堆不是要设计的很大,但是要对高效能的,电子生产适合。)

4. Disadvantages of software WAF solutions. (翻译:软件WAF方案也并非完美无缺,其缺点如下。)

5. Objective To investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the suprapubic transvesical prostatectomy for the aged. (翻译:目的探讨高龄患者耻骨上经膀胱前列腺摘除术的优缺点。)

6. There are, of course, some disadvantages to promoting IVF. (翻译:当然,促进试管授精还有一些负面影响。)

7. You use largeness of mind and thick love embraces all my advantages and disadvantages. (翻译:你们用博大的胸怀和浓浓的爱包容了我的一切优点与缺点。)

8. However, the arguers say that the disadvantages can not be ignor. (翻译:然而,反对者认为,高考的缺点也不容忽视。)

9. The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages. (翻译:这笔交易的利远大于弊。)

10. Using resource URIs in this way has two disadvantages. (翻译:以这种方式使用资源uri有两个不利之处。)

11. I listed advantages and disadvantages of a joint venture as opposed to a subcontractor. (翻译:我把合资模式和转包商做对比 将各自的好处和坏处都列了出来.)

12. And with the difference in definition styles, as you might have guessed, you get advantages and disadvantages. (翻译:并且由于定义类型存在差别,正如您所料,特性和描述符各有优缺点。)

13. Just to prevent you from carrying any disadvantages. (翻译:怕你吃亏嘛 {cH00FFFF}{3cH000000}Just to prevent you from carrying any disadvantages.)

14. It also has disadvantages, of course, and the disadvantage of this road is that raveling can occur. (翻译:当然,它也有缺点, 这种路的缺点是沥青可能会松脱。)

15. But its disadvantages lie in its comparatively broad geographical disadvantages, hysteretic secondary industry and industry structure. (翻译:贵港市的劣势是地缘大环境、第二产业和产业结构等方面存在的问题。)


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