diff是什么意思 diff的翻译、中文解释

diff是什么意思 diff的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. diff的基本含义


2. diff作为计算机语言中的命令


3. diff与git的关系


4. diff还可以作为缩写词


5. diff可以与其他单词组合使用



1. I can’t understand this code, can you help me diff it?

我看不懂这段代码,你能帮我比较一下吗2. The diff command is very useful for comparing files in Linux.


3. The git diff command is used to show changes between commits.

Git diff命令是用来显示提交之间的变化的。

4. The difficulty of this task is beyond my ability.


5. The smoke starts to diffuse into the room.




1. 我们需要做一份差异分析,找出两种产品之间的优劣之处。

We need to do a diff ysis to identify the pros and cons between the two products.

2. 他们对于新产品的设计存在一些差异。

There are some differences in their designs for the new product.



例句:The script exports each . pcv file, takes a diff of the resulting data, and prints a summary of the changes. (脚本输出每一个.pcv文件,采取不同的结果数据,并显示处这些更改的总结。)


例句:Patches can be exchanges in the form of files that contain the changes among versions of your code in a standard diff format. (补丁可以以文件的形式交换,其中含有使用标准diff格式的代码版本之间的更改。)


例句:For all their differences, despite all their weaknesses, – that are also strengths sometimes … (尽管他们有太多不同 Alors, malgré toutes leurs différences, tous ces défauts)


例句:What we’re looking at now — I’m going to add in the community of some people with C. diff. (翻译:我们现在来看一看—— 我要在这片区域里加入一些 得 C. diff.的人群。)

diff一般作为名词使用,如在Diff E([计] 横坐标差)、diff file([网络] 例子)、diff H(高度差,高程差)等常见短语中出现较多。

Diff E [计] 横坐标差 diff file [网络] 例子 diff H 高度差,高程差 diff lock [网络] 差速锁 Diff N [计] 纵坐标差 diff’rent [网络] 差异 diff. [医] 白细胞分类计数 diff/merge 差异/合并 optical diff [网络] 档案差异

1. For all their differences, despite all their weaknesses, – that are also strengths sometimes … (翻译:尽管他们有太多不同 Alors, malgré toutes leurs différences, tous ces défauts)

2. What we’re looking at now — I’m going to add in the community of some people with C. diff. (翻译:我们现在来看一看—— 我要在这片区域里加入一些 得 C. diff.的人群。)

3. They’re taller than I am, uh… they’re noisier than I am, they got a diff… (翻译:吉尔伯特[ 我都不知道他们是谁 他们要比我高 要比我大声)

4. Because she has been suffering from a superbug called C. diff, and it’s resistant to antibiotics in many cases. (翻译:因为她长期被一种叫C.diff的超级病菌折磨, 而且这种病菌大多数情况下都是耐抗生素的。)

5. He’d gone through quite a diff cult period of his life during that film. (翻译:孩子很恐怖,他很完美 他在拍那电影期间经历了 人生相对艰难的时刻)

6. The script exports each .pcv file, takes a diff of the resulting data, and prints a summary of the changes. (翻译:脚本输出每一个 .pcv 文件,采取不同的结果数据,并显示处这些更改的总结。)

7. There are two output styles: diff and sdiff. (翻译:有两种输出的形式:diff和sdiff。)

8. After the comparison between Hainan and mainland universities, a diff- rence was found. (翻译:通过比较,发现海南教师课堂语码转换与内陆高校存在差异。)

9. – Ah, swimsuit model, surfer, wrestler, what’s the diff? (翻译:-嗯 泳装模特 我的天 摔跤手 有什么区别吗?)

10. For the middle omni light use the same settings as above for both Contrast and Soften Diff. Edge but make it a pure white. (翻译:对于中间的泛光灯,使用和上面一样的对比度和柔和漫射边缘,但是颜色是纯白。)

11. Gdb indicates that “no1” equals 8 and “diff” equals 0. (翻译:gdb指出“ no1 ”等于8,“ diff ”等于0。)

12. The diff time zones is a bit of a challenge but I am going to try to pick the most accessible time for everyone. (翻译:时差问题是有点挑战,不过,我会尽量挑选每个人最容易参予的时间。)

13. The least extreme would be a completely open diff where ALL of the power is sent to the path of least resistence. (翻译:最低程度的就是完全开放的差速器,用这种差速器,所有动力会向受到最小阻力的途径分配。)

14. CBC with diff, chem-20. Portable chest X-Rays. (翻译:血常规分类检查 生化20项检查 便携式X光检查)

15. Last time, when we were here before, it was bigger, plus grand, different colour, differente couleur. (翻译:上一次, 当我们在这里之前, 这是更大,加上盛大,不同 颜色,différenteCOULEUR。)


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