corollary是什么意思 corollary的翻译、中文解释

corollary是什么意思 corollary的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

词义:’corollary’ 意为“推论、必然结论”,是由前提自然地导出的结论。也可以指一个定理的自然推论。



– a corollary of something (某事物的必然结果)

– corollary theorem (推论定理)

– logical corollary (逻辑推论)




1. The corollary of this is that some people will be left behind.

2. The corollary of his argument is that we should take action now.

3. The corollary to this is that we must ensure our finances are secure.

4. The corollary to free speech is the risk of hate speech.

5. One corollary of this is that there is less support for the traditional family.

6. The corollary to this is that we need to find new ways to communicate.

7. A corollary of this is that industry must find new ways to operate.


1. 这个结论的必然结果是有些人将被落下。

2. 他的论点的必然结论是我们现在应该采取行动。

3. 这个结果的推论是我们必须确保我们的财务安全。

4. 的必然结果是仇恨言论的风险。

5. 这个结论的一部分是对传统家庭的支持减少了。

6. 这个推论是我们需要找到新的沟通方式。

7. 这个结论的必然结果是工业必须找到新的运作方式。




1. 这个理论的一个重要的推论是我们需要更多的资源来支持它。(A significant corollary of this theory is that we need more resources to support it.)

2. 这个公式的一个常见的推论是可以预测这个物质的化学性质。(A common corollary of this formula is the ability to predict the chemical properties of this substance.)



例句:Electric power step-up substation is the important corollary engineering of Baise hydropower station. (百色水利枢纽升压站是电站工程的重要配套工程。)

corollary一般作为名词使用,如在individual corollary(个别化推论)、organization corollary(组织推论)等常见短语中出现较多。

individual corollary 个别化推论 organization corollary 组织推论

1. Dependance is the inevitable corollary and not something to be shed as possible but the expression of strong family bonds of affection. (翻译:依赖是不可避免的自然结果。它不可能是那些可能被舍弃的东西,而是联结伟大亲情的一种情感的表达。)

2. You put off buying clothes to pay for more coaching. Corollary: The clothes you DO buy are made of Lycra and sequins . (翻译:你把买衣服的预算都用来支付教练费用。结果就是:就算买,买的也都是莱卡面料上面带小亮片儿的……)

3. The exact definition of a corollary discharge is a copy of a motor command that is sent by the brain. (翻译:伴随发送的精确定义是 一个大脑发出的指令的复印件。)

4. There is a corollary to this. (翻译:这有一个推论。)

5. And this is called a corollary discharge and it happens for every motion that your body does. (翻译:这个过程被称作就“伴随发送”, 会发生在你身体的每一个动作上。)

6. Corollary Sand Control Techmques with Modified Furane Resin Sand Consolidation Agent (翻译:新型改性呋喃树脂固砂剂配套防砂工艺应用研究)

7. And the corollary, of course, is that any further changes that could significantly change the substrate of thinking could have potentially enormous consequences. (翻译:因此得出的结论是:在未来, 任何显著的思考基体的变化, 都能带来巨大的后果。)

8. A corollary of the previous tip is this: Wait a while before constructing an Armory. (翻译:前面提到的必然的结果是:在建造一个军械库之前保持等待。)

9. There’s a corollary to animals as well. (翻译:对动物也有一个必然结果。)

10. As for the corollary group, its size was simply zero forever until the Cold War, when suddenly, the leaders of two global alliances attained the ability to blow up the world. (翻译:至于推论群体, 它的规模在冷战之前一直是零。突然之间,两个全球性联盟的 获得了炸毁世界的能力。)

11. “Then they must be blown off, ” might have been Bakunin’s corollary. (翻译:“然后,他们必须是被炸飞,”可能是巴枯宁的必然结果。)

12. GZK series Aero-Obstruction Lantern Control Box is the corollary equipment of CZ series Aero-Obstruction Lantern. (翻译:GZK系列智能型航空障碍灯集中控制箱,是GZ系列航空障碍灯的配套产品。)

13. But the corollary of that is that, if we all are brothers and sisters and share the same genetic material, all human populations share the same raw human genius, the same intellectual acuity. (翻译:由此必然得来的推论是, 如果我们是兄弟姐妹, 且拥有相同的基因, 所有的人类都拥有相同的、原始的人类天赋, 相同的智力水平,)

14. And for the voice, this corollary discharge also has a different name. (翻译:对于声音来说,这个伴随发送 也有另一个名字。)

15. The number of prisoners increased as a corollary of the government’s determination to combat violent crime. (翻译:决心打击暴力犯罪,其后果是囚犯数量增加了。)

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