adoptive是什么意思 adoptive的翻译、中文解释

adoptive是什么意思 adoptive的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 定义


2. 用法


3. 语境运用


a. 描述被收养的人或动物。

例句:She was an adoptive child who had been given the chance of a new start in life.(她是个被收养的孩子,有了重新开始的机会。)

b. 描述被采纳的文化或想法。

例句:The adoptive parents were determined to raise their children with a love of their adoptive culture.(被收养的父母决心抚养自己的孩子,让他们热爱收养国的文化。)

c. 描述采用的政策或措施。

例句:The adoptive measures taken by the company have greatly improved the work efficiency.(公司采取的领导措施大大提高了工作效率。)

d. 描述采用的语言或方法。

例句:The adoptive language for this project is English.(这个项目采用的语言是英语。)

e. 描述被采纳的人或事物的关系。

例句:He had an adoptive relationship with his cousin, who had been raised by his parents as their own child.(他和表亲有一种收养的关系,表亲被他的父母抚养成为自己的孩子。)

4. 同义词


a. Adopted(被收养的)

b. Accepted(被接受的)

c. Embraced(被拥抱的)

d. Approved(被批准的)

e. Authorized(被授权的)

5. 总结

Adoptive这个单词的意义非常广泛,可以用于描述很多不同的事物。 从人、文化、政策到语言、关系等多个方面都有涉及。在使用的时候,应该根据具体的语境来选择合适的含义。以下是一些例句:

a. The adoptive parents treated the children as their own flesh and blood.(被收养的父母视这些孩子如同自己的亲骨肉一样。)

b. The adoptive culture was quite different from what she was used to.(被采纳的文化和她平常接触到的完全不一样。)

c. The adoptive policy of the government has been controversial since it was introduced.(的采纳政策自从推出以来一直备受争议。)

d. The adoptive language for this course is Spanish.(这个课程采用的语言是西班牙语。)

e. She had an adoptive relationship with her stepfather, whom she loved and respected deeply.(她和继父有一种收养的关系,对他充满了爱和尊重。)




1. She was raised by adoptive parents and never knew her birth family.


2. The adoptive mother was thrilled when she finally got to hold her new baby.




例句:I mean, our adoptive mother. (our adoptive mother.)


例句:Our next orphan, Susan… was on her way to Namibia to meet her new adoptive parents. (下一位孤儿 Susan… 她正在去她的养父母家的路上)


例句:An adoptee answers a question asked on a website regarding love between adoptees and adoptive parents (对于养子女与养父母之间的爱,有位养子如此回答)

4.收养的 、有收养关系的

例句:The Ronah family never forgets a debt to an adoptive parent. (翻译:请你放心 罗拿家是不会忘记你对 茜茜莉的养育之恩)

adoptive一般作为形容词使用,如在radio adoptive communications([网络] 无线电自适应通信)等常见短语中出现较多。

radio adoptive communications [网络] 无线电自适应通信

1. An adoptee answers a question asked on a website regarding love between adoptees and adoptive parents (翻译:对于养子女与养父母之间的爱,有位养子如此回答)

2. The Ronah family never forgets a debt to an adoptive parent. (翻译:请你放心 罗拿家是不会忘记你对 茜茜莉的养育之恩)

3. I know, but Garcia said that Leland Duncan’s adoptive parents never had an address in the area. (翻译:我知道 但Garcia说Leland的 养父母在那地区没有过地址)

4. Oh, yeah, these are her adoptive parents. Yeah, that’s Andy and Beth. (翻译:Τ翴祇褐 琌琌癶ヰ泊洛ネ)

5. It was never hidden from him by his adoptive parents and they supported him when he began to search for his birth parents. (翻译:他的养父母从未对他隐瞒这一点,并且当他开始寻找自己的亲生父母的时候,还给予他支持。)

6. And I’m the adoptive father of Ryan, and he couldn’t be here, because he’s handicapped. (翻译:而我是Ryan的养父 他来不了 因为他是残疾人)

7. It’s not true that I stayed three weeks next to the corpse of my adoptive mother, because Madame Rosa wasn’t my adoptive mother. (翻译:这不是真的 我就这样和我养母的尸体呆了三个星期 因为罗莎夫人不仅仅是我的养母)

8. Ayida’s adoptive family lived in New Jersey, and I asked her, in French, if she knew what part. (翻译:收养阿伊达的家庭住在新泽西州,于是我用法语问她,你知道你的新家在新泽西的哪里吗?)

9. Like, what if these adoptive parents turn out to be, like, evil molesters? (翻译:假设 收养他的家长 最后被发现是些无恶不作的坏蛋)

10. She going to see her son? Yeah, the adoptive parents have agreed to let them meet. (翻译:the adoptive parents have agreed to let them meet.)

11. Your mother, adoptive mother, lives… lives in Eddy County, New Mexico. (翻译:,养母,住在… … Your mother, adoptive mother, lives…)

12. Christine, the truth is, your adoptive father raised you until he died. (翻译:恭,事实是,你养父 父亲养你,直到他去世。)

13. Until now, it’s mainly been overwhelmed adoptive parents of problem children from overseas. (翻译:目前 它的主要受众是那些领养到 外国问题儿童的养父母)

14. Both children seem very loyal to their adoptive mother. (翻译:两个孩子似乎都对他们的养母忠心耿耿。)

15. He became Gaius Julius Caesar upon being named his great-uncle’s adoptive son and heir. (翻译:他其后继承了尤利乌斯·凯撒的名字 亦成为他这叔公的养子及继承人。)

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