chirac是什么意思 chirac的翻译、中文解释

chirac是什么意思 chirac的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词源:Chirac是一个法国人名,指代的是法国前总统雅克·(Jacques Chirac)。在、媒体等领域中,经常使用Chirac作为简写或代称。


– Chirac在xx年连任法国总统。

(Jacques Chirac was re-elected as President of France in 2002.)

– 这篇文章讨论了Chirac在对战争中的角色。

(This article discusses the role of Chirac in the Iraq War.)

– 我们今天学习Chirac时要注意法语发音。

(We need to pay attention to the French unciation when learning about Chirac today.)

2. 影响:由于Chirac作为法国总统,他在国际舞台上发挥了重要的影响力,尤其是在欧洲、非洲和中东等地区的外交政策方面。


– Chirac的一些关键决定导致了法国与美国的紧张关系。

(Some key decisions made by Chirac led to tensions between France and the United States.)

– Chirac在非洲政策上积极倡导和。

(Chirac actively promoted human rights and democracy in African policy.)

– Chirac对欧盟一体化的推动作出了重要贡献。

(Chirac made significant contributions to the promotion of European Union integration.)

3. 文化符号:Chirac的名字和形象在一些文化领域中被广泛使用,比如电影、文学和艺术等,作为一种代表法国文化或法国的符号。


– 电影《Chirac》讲述了总统的生平与经历。

(The movie “Chirac” tells the life story and political career of President Jacques Chirac.)

– 这幅画反映了Chirac在上的形象和影响。

(This painting reflects the image and influence of Chirac in politics.)

– 许多法国文艺作品中都涉及到Chirac的名字和事迹。

(Many French works of literature and art involve the name and deeds of Chirac.)


– Chirac被誉为法国现代化的代表人物之一。

(Chirac is regarded as one of the representative figures of modernization in France.)

– Chirac在xx年支持了欧洲宪法的通过。

(Chirac supported the adoption of the European Constitution in 2005.)





1. Jacques Chirac was the president of France from 1995 to 2007. (雅克·是xx年到xx年法国总统。)

2. Chirac played a key role in the opposition to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. (在反对xx年入侵中扮演了关键角色。)



例句:The French President, Jacques Chirac, is to discuss the efforts to stimulate the Japanese economy during a visit to Japan which begins today. (法国总统雅克·将会在今天对日本的开始访问中讨论日本经济的措施。)


例句:Jacques Chirac, a former president, reaches to kiss her hand and cradles it “as if it were a piece of porcelain” . (法国前总统雅克·曾经靠近吻过她的手,然后赞美道“就像一片精美的瓷器一般”。)


例句:Yet, despite the long shadow that the septuagenarian casts over his country’s politics, Mr Chirac’s is not the only France. (然而,尽管这位xx岁的老人在法国政坛投下了一条长长的影子,但并非是唯一之人。)


例句:A spokesman for Mr Chirac said the report did not reflect “the tone or the content” of the meeting, but he didn’t say no to such reports. (翻译:的一名发言人表示这份报导没有反映出与会的“气氛和内容”,但他并没有否认此类报导。)

1. Yet, despite the long shadow that the septuagenarian casts over his country’s politics, Mr Chirac’s is not the only France. (翻译:然而,尽管这位xx岁的老人在法国政坛投下了一条长长的影子,但并非是唯一之人。)

2. A spokesman for Mr Chirac said the report did not reflect “the tone or the content” of the meeting, but he didn’t say no to such reports. (翻译:的一名发言人表示这份报导没有反映出与会的“气氛和内容”,但他并没有否认此类报导。)

3. Chirac, French president himself dotes on oriental culture and is even a connoisseur in ancient Chinese bronze ware. (翻译:众所周知,法国总统热爱东方文化,他对青铜器的鉴赏能力达到专家水平。)

4. If the left secures a majority of seats in parliament, Socialist leader Lionel Jospin would likely become prime minister in a power-sharing arrangement with President Chirac. (翻译:如果左翼在议会中获得多数席位,社会党领袖莱昂内尔·若斯潘可能会成为,与总统分享权力。)

5. Gerhard schroder turned down an invitation from Jacques Chirac in 1998. (翻译:格哈特·施罗德曾在xx年拒绝了雅克·的邀请。)

6. Former French President Jacques Chirac would never have vacationed stateside, let alone in New Hampshire, the way Sarkozy did this summer. (翻译:前总统决不会前往美国度假,更别说像萨尔科奇今夏这样在新罕尔州了。)

7. Mr Chirac has said he is ready to appear in the dock and has nothing to hide. (翻译:先生说,他已经准备好上庭,并且没有什么可以隐瞒的。)

8. The combined left-wing opposition in France has defeated President Jacque Chirac’s ruling Conservative Coalition in the first round of the country’s parliamentary elections. (翻译:在法国议会第一轮选举中,左翼反对派联合击败了总统雅克·的保守派执政联盟。)

9. On French TV, Mr. Villepin has denounced Bourgi’s accusations as lies and a willful attempt to tarnish Mr. Chirac’s presidency. (翻译:德维勒班在法国电视上抨击布吉的指控纯属谎言,并且一心想诬蔑的总统表现。)

10. Mr Chirac has, commendably, made a point of trying to stamp out racism and anti-Semitism on his watch. (翻译:在任总统期间,他强调努力消灭种族歧视和反犹太主义。)

11. Chirac will unveil it. (翻译:将为它揭幕。)

12. President Jacques Chirac will officially launch the Millau bridge at Tuesday’s ceremony, almost exactly three years after work began. (翻译:法国总统雅克·将在周四的落成仪式上正式宣布启动密佑高架桥,此时距工程开工已经几乎整整xx年了。)

13. Mr Chirac has said all along that he was ready to explain himself in court, and that he has “done nothing wrong” . (翻译:一直表示他已作好当庭解释的准备,而且坚称自己“没做任何错事”。)

14. FIFTEEN years ago he was cast aside by the Gaullist right because he backed a rival candidate to Jacques Chirac for the French presidency. (翻译:xx年前,他在总统选举中支持雅克的竞争对手,被戴高乐主义打入冷宫;)

15. Mr Chirac’s downfall may be treated with some indulgence by a public that has come to see him as a kind of grandfather to the nation. (翻译:曾经把视为国父级人物的公众,或许会对他的垮台投上几许宽容的目光。)

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